Zhakar – War of the Lance Era

It began as a kingdom that was abandoned and lost. It was redeveloped but the Cataclysm put an end to it, and now it is a cursed land, held and home to the cursed Zhakar Dwarves. Buy the War of the Lance sourcebook: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/3164/war-of-the-lance-3-5?affiliate_id=50797


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Once the ancient home of the Hylar, Thoradin, now known as Zhakar, is cursed.


Welcome to another DragonLance Saga episode. My name is Adam and today we are going to talk about Zhakar in the War of the Lance Era. I would like to take a moment and thank the DLSaga members, and invite you to consider becoming a member by visiting the link in the description below. You can even pick up Dragonlance gaming materials using my affiliate links. I am referencing The Atlas of the Dragonlance World, Tales of the Lance Boxed Set, and the War of the Lance sourcebook for this information. If I leave anything out or misspeak, please leave a comment below!


Before the Cataclysm, Thoradin, or New Hope, was home to the Hylar dwarves for six hundred years. Eventually the Hylar left to delve Thorbardin, or New Best Hope, and by two thousand Prae Cataclius, all roads to Thoradin were lost. It would be a millennium before the dwarves would return to the Khalkist Mountains to establish trading with Istar. This trading colony was named Thoradin after the lost kingdom, and until the Cataclysm, it rivaled its namesake. Only the Thiewar were spared the devastation of the Cataclysm, and as they tunneled out of their collapsed kingdom, they developed a terrible plague. It was then that the dwarven nation of Zhakar rose from Thoradin’s ashes, populated by the mysterious Zhakar dwarves, which means Cursed Ones, and their kingdom named after them means cursed place. You see, an ancient mold plague disfigured the dwarves and made them outcasts to their kin. They took this mantle of outcast on themselves, and exterminated any potential interlopers.

The mountain region of Zhakar was once a land of majestic mountain ranges, sloping hills and terraced ridges. Now, it’s little more than jagged cliffs overlooking sheer gorges which drop for thousands of feet. Most don’t even know there is a bustling kingdom beneath the range, and if it weren’t for Zhakar Keep looming above Stonecrusher River, they would be absolutely unknown. The Stonecrusher River flows from the highlands of the east into the New Sea, featuring hundreds of towering waterfalls along its length. The mountains to the east are near impossible to traverse, but prove to be an effective barrier against Khur. The Zhakar keep an open valley to the east clear of growth in order to spot potential incoming enemies. The best way into the region is from the north, but the Zhakar keep vigilant watch on those passes as well. Anyone foolish enough to find themselves in this area will end up with poison-tipped bolts peppering their body, before any dwarf is sighted.

The lofty peaks and granite cliffs are dry and barren. There are high tarns from ancient glaciers in a few spots, which provides much needed water to the rocky heights. You will find trees trying to grow and eagles with their nests around them. The rest of the mountain range features scrub, sage, and cactus primarily. Summer lasts from late Bran to early Reorxmont and winter can last from Phoenix to Mishamont. There is little snow or rain, regardless of the season however, though the wind in the summers is often blustery due to the updrafts off the hot stone faces. The Zhakar trade with Sanction and the ogres of Blode. When Neraka was building up its forces, the Zhakar were called upon for equipment. In this War of the Lance era, the kingdom is working at a frenzied rate. But the Zhakar assassins are widely used to eliminate traitors, usurpers, or unwanted leaders. As a culture, the Zhakar cannot wait to dominate and enslave their kinsmen who abandoned them so many years ago.

Zhakar has a population of just under thirty-three thousand. Ninety-five percent of that is dwarven, four percent is ogre, and one percent of miscellaneous races. As mentioned previously, the Zhakar hate all other races, and seem to only love wealth. Most of the citizens of this nation are introverted, doing their best to socially stay away from others, even their own kin. There is no public affection as it is deemed inappropriate. The Zhakar’s mold disease causes their hair to fall out, their eyes to turn white and their skin to flake and peel in large patches. This encourages many to cover their bodies completely from head to toe. While this is normal life in Zhakar, anyone making a comment about it will find that the Zhakar do not have a sense of humor at all. Another cultural trait is the love of torture. They enjoy parading their prisoners as punishment. 

The mold and culture of the Zhakar has not diminished their trade skills, though they are not as fine as craftsmen from Thorbardin or Kayolin. They have also given up on Reorx and the other gods. The rare Zhakar may be found leaving tribute to Shinare. The Zhakar have a tendency to go insane, and every year a number of them descend into madness. These poor dwarves are either exiled or imprisoned. You may be unfortunate to run into a small tribe of these mad Zhakar in the mountain ranges. Some of these tribes have established a cult of the wyrm, and they plan to raise this giant creature from the bowels of the mountain to punish unbelievers.

There are a few major settlements of note like Fangrock. This village of just under three hundred is a small village of ogres which is nestled on the border of Bloten and Zhakar. It is little more than a series of caves, but it is used as a trade hub for the two races. Zhakar City is a metropolis of just under twenty-nine thousand. This is located hundreds of feet below Zhakar Keep and features a massive domed chamber illuminated by twin tunnels. They emit a reddish glow that paints the whole city. There are massive lifts in constant operation and a grand promenade running the length of the chamber ending in two massive statues. Zhakar Keep is a village of just over five hundred. It was once a massive dwarven fortress, but after the cataclysm it has fallen into ruin. The Zhakar have constructed a wall to surround the keep, making it appear as a large blockhouse. This is where the main foundry and production facility lies. 

There are a few important sites of note as well. The first of which is the Ghost Range. The haunted range is avoided by the Zhakar. During the Cataclysm, a horde of dwarves were caught as strange fire rained from the sky, killing them all. This massacre turned them into Spectral Minions who roamed the trails and summits. Their goal is to make others pay for the injustice of their deaths. Mount Horn is north of Zhakar. It is one of the many volcanoes in the Khalkists. The dwarves carved a number of tunnels to harness the heat and when the cataclysm struck, gouts of flame burst forth from them. There is rumor that one survived intact and contains vast hordes of riches, if you dare to enter Zhakar territory in search of it. Sanction Tunnel was developed to trade with the port-city without the outside world knowing about it. It’s a jealously guarded secret, and its entrance is guarded and hidden, using mechanically controlled boulders for entry. Finally Stonecrusher River. Zakar Keep rests at its mouth, and from it, the river stretches sixty miles to the New Sea. Again, along its length it holds numerous cliffs and waterfalls, thousands of feet high. It is the primary food source for the Zhakar with its schools of salmon and fang fish.

This nation is one of cruelty and ambition, two traits when combined spell trouble for anyone the Zhakar perceive as their enemies. Like many nations of this region, heroes may want to do their best to avoid it entirely.


And that is all I have to say about Zhakar in the War of the Lance Era. Would you ever explore Mount Horn? How about joining up with an expedition to map out the Ghost Range? And finally, will there ever be a cure developed to halt the plague? Leave a comment below. 

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You will be beset with failure, but never give up hope. If that happens, you will know defeat.

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