Zeshun, the Keeper of Memory

Enjoy this reading of The Way of the Seekers – Zeshun, the Keeper of Memory. It was released in the Lost Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home sourcebook edited by Maraget Weis. It was released on December 23rd, 2007 through Margaret Weis Productions. You can buy Lost Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/51186/Lost-Leaves-From-the-Inn-of-the-Last-Home-35?affiliate_id=50797

The Way of the Seeker

Zeshun, the Keeper of Memory

You do not walk alone in this life
Watched by Zeshun through your strife.
Each swing of your scythe, each bushel’grain
Each swing of your sword, each blood’d stain
Each curse, each prayer, each breath and sigh
Zeshun keeps e’ry deed, e’ry truth, e’ry lie.

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