The waters and coasts of Eastern Ansalon are teeming with potential danger and adventure. Let’s continue our series and see what they have to offer an adventurous party. Buy DL12 Dragons of Faith:
Cold Open
We left off with The Nightmare Ring, but the Blood Sea actually gets worse!
Welcome to another DragonLance Saga episode. My name is Adam and today we are going to continue talking about Waterborne Encounters in Dragonlance. I would like to take a moment and thank the DLSaga members, and invite you to consider becoming a member by visiting the link in the description below. You can even pick up Dragonlance gaming materials using my affiliate links. I am referencing DL12 Dragons of Faith, and The Atlas of the Dragonlance World. If I leave anything out or misspeak, please leave a comment below!
Taking your adventures to the sea can be a refreshing change from dungeon crawling or overland adventuring, but it’s not without its own set of challenges. We have covered waterborne ships, vernacular and south eastern waters, let’s continue with the rest of Eastern Ansalon’s coasts. It’s traditionally common for an adventuring party to hire a ship for passage, and then deal with what comes. But what if your party prefers more episodic adventuring? You could easily be the crew of your own ship, sailing the seas of Krynn for your own fame or fortune, having encounters around every port or passenger which could be a campaign of its own, wholly isolated from the War of the Lance, but still feeling its effects tangentially as you struggle for independence and adventure.
We left off in the first part of this series at The Nightmare Ring of the Blood Sea of Istar, and while that is truly nightmarish, it’s the Heart of Darkness that you would be wise to fear even more. This is the very center of the Blood Sea, where the mighty maelstrom swirls, sucking all down though its ferocious maw. Less than 20% of the best helmsman are capable of turning their ships abroad to escape its velocity. Lurking in this region is a mighty dragon who may act to take down the ship for its own amusement, and for those unlucky enough to be pulled into the maelstrom, a drowning death awaits you as your body slowly sinks to the ruins of mighty Istar at the bottom of the sea, assuming the denizens of the deep don’t pick our bones clean first.
Continuing our exploration of the outer Blood Sea, Razor’s Edge hides many reefs and obstacles. While under the surface lies the sunken horrors which did not survive, there are actually two separate villages of mermen who dwell here. The Western Blood Sea is a vast area dabbled with patches of azure where crops of seaweed float. The waters are also occupied by Dolphins and Dargonesti including the shy monster Pricklebacks. The Northern Blood Sea waters are much darker and roll endlessly onward. It’s frequented by pirate and minotaur ships. Under the waves are swordfish and bull sharks in addition to entire colonies of Lacedon which have been known to waylay ships at night. The Firewater seas glow crimson at sunrise and sunset. It is a common site for pirate and minotaur battles, and at times you may come across a burnt hulk drifting. The coastal waters of Kothas are known as Pirates Run. There are two varieties of barracuda, the fish and the pirates. Neither offers quarters to those outside their kind.
Slim Chance is a rocky coast off Mithas. It’s patrolled by bullheaded men in chips and bull sharks in its dark waters. The Eye of the Bull features cruel cliffs which crowd this narrows. Few are brave enough to attempt a treacherous run. Mithas features five fortifications equipped with catapults that will target any ship not flying a horned Flag, and the coast of Kothas features treacherous currents and deadly reefs filled with Sea Hags. They prefer to capture rather than kill their prey. The Blade is where the seafloor falls away. This deep trench is filled with a colony of hundreds of Ghagglers who hunt ships crossing their waters. The Ghagglers eat their prey. The Eastern Courrain Ocean is known to host rough waters. Their waves are whitecapped and visited by high winds and squalls. These waters are also frequented by giant swordfish and deadly barracuda. The Crackling Coast features strong currents which carry ships out from shore toward the Northern Courrain Ocean. Few other than the muscular Bull Shark is able to resist the tug of the deeper waters. The Northern Courrain Ocean is home to slow moving fluid swells where the seabreeze dances merrily along the waters. This is the realm of a solitary Sea Dragon.
False Refuge is home to several quiet bays, but beneath its dark waters hide sunken mountains and ruins which act as deadly reefs. There is a swift current here which carries all past the land and into the open sea to the north. Fierce Sea lions prowl the waters. Rocky Shores holds no safe harbor. A Sea Serpent makes its home here, and many a mariner has attempted to find shelter in its snaking canyons and fjords. The Troubled Waters are cloudy and gray. They are home to a colony of Lacedons who live in the ruins offshore, raiding the land at night. Blood Cup is a bay where there are many blood battles between minotaur and pirates. Traditionally seen as neutral territory, there is rumor that it is the home of Mire, a mighty graveyard of ships, is found here. The azure waters of Land Ho are usually a welcome sight to weary open sea voyagers. You can spot landfall on Saifhum and Karthay from here.
Saifhum’s high cliffs are surrounded by deep waters known as Mantle. Skyfishers plague the mariners of these waters. The natives carry slings and crossbows to drive them off. There are two giant sea slugs, Nudibranchs, which prowl the cliffs and sea. They are even rarely known to climb aboard ships at night. The Sheath is patrolled by the mariners of Saifhum in small carracks. These dark waters have sea lions and Dargonesti who prowl the waters and hunt. Endscape is where the water shallows rapidly. Many ships have run aground on its sandbars. Strangle Weed and Giant Anemone dwell amid the long sea grasses and forest of fan shaped seaweed which grows in abundance. Miremier is clogged with rocks and forests of kelp. On low tide, vast salt marshes are uncovered revealing the giant crayfish who lair there. Last Coast is a rocky coast just before the open seas. There are rumors of ancient ruined stone forts in its stony bluffs. There are two coveys of Sirines who live in the grottos by the seashore and sea lions ravage the waves. And finally Deep Reach is found around the northern end of Nordmaar. The air is clear and a tail wind aids mariners on their way. Giant swordfish and manta ray leap from the waters, masters of their domain.
The eastern waters and coasts of Ansalon are possibly the most dangerous and exciting waters around the continent. In the War of the Lance era, this territory is ripe for smuggling, piracy, commercial and personal transport, treasure hunting, fishing and monster hunting. The oceans are vast and you may spend weeks without encountering anyone or anything, but when you do, it is always best to know what to anticipate because If I learned anything from the G.I. Joe cartoon as a child, it’s that knowing is half the battle.
And that is all I have to say about Waterborne Encounters in Eastern Ansalon. What do you think of the regions and their hosts? Is there a sea creature you have always wanted to encounter? And finally, would you want to visit Istar beneath the waves of the Blood Sea? Leave a comment below.
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You must learn to find the joy in life where you can. The gods know, there is little enough of it in this world.
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