The Seeker’s Words

Enjoy this reading of The Way of the Seekers – The Seeker’s Words. It was included in the Lost Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home sourcebook edited by Maraget Weis. It was released on December 23rd, 2007 through Margaret Weis Production. You can buy Lost Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home here:

The Way of the Seeker

The Seeker’s Words

When his son fears of goblins and ogres in the night, the
proud father makes a show of laying out his old sword to
ease his child’s quake. And when the daughter wails of her
lost tooth, the gentle mother performs the tooth-rite to give
purpose to her child’s distress. As parents, we comfort and
teach our children using tricks of the eye and mind. In
this way, the Seeker is no different than our mothers
and fathers.

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