The Imperial League of Minotaurs

You will find no more government driven institution on Taladas, than The Imperial League of Minotaurs. Second to that is the Gladiator driven Minotaur Justice, The Army of the League and the Merchants of the League. Buy Time of the Dragon:


Cold Open

If you thought Istar was an empire that echoed Rome, then please allow me to introduce you to this…


Welcome to another DragonLance Saga episode. My name is Adam and today we are going to talk about The Imperial League of Minotaurs on Taladas. I would like to take a moment and thank the members of this channel, and invite you to consider becoming a member by visiting the link in the description below. You can even pick up Dragonlance gaming materials using my affiliate link. I am referencing the Time of the Dragon boxed set for this information. If I leave anything out or misspeak, please leave a comment below.


As I mentioned, you will find no empire on all of Krynn in any time that challenges the might and governmental institutions, except perhaps for Old Aruim, than the Imperial League of Minotaurs. It is composed of five great cities, races of all kinds, a convoluted Might is Right based Minotaur  justice system, and a military of unmatched size and training. But to truly understand this interesting and diverse empire, we should start from the beginning and talk about its founding. Before the cataclysm, Old Aurim was the greatest wonder of the world, however, much as Thenol was created by refugees of Aurim, so too was the Imperial League of Minotaurs, at least in spirit. Out of the rusty Aurim province of Styrllia, two leaders would travel to new lands: Guidan and Kristophus. Based on reports from scouts about the massive volcano in the center of the land, they decided to split the group in two, Guidan would travel south then west and Kristophus would travel west. 

The trek for Kristophus was long and grueling, facing many dark and dangerous obstacles. As the journey to the western shore failed to reveal the promised Utopia, groups would abandon the journey and establish small villages along the way These villages are now remnants of those traitors to the vision of Kristophus, forced to continue their ghostly work after life on overgrown and reclaimed lands. Eventually the group would reach the coast and founded the town of Kristophan in New Styrllia. The people were divided into classes: the loyal families and the rebels. The loyal families were granted land and exempt from taxes, increasing their station and fortunes . The rebels were given to the loyal families in the form of slaves. And then the Minotaurs arrived. Sailing north from Istar on Ansalon, they crossed the western ocean and began as pirates, but their ambitions of an Empire led them to the settlements of Kristophus. They were led by Eragas the Bruitish, and this minotaur seized the government of New Styrllia, and proclaimed himself Emperor.

The military might of the minotaurs was to be unmatched, and any dissenters were eagerly removed. They created a hybrid form of government inspired by the Pirate Kingdoms of Ansalon and the laws and customs of Istar.They also included modern and local traditions making the integration easier. The empire currently sits with five provinces, New Styrllia, the capital, home to the two great cities of Kristophan and Trilloman. New Styrllia is best known for its wide plains and farmlands. Kristophan is the imperial capital and center of government and culture, while Trilloman is the hub of trade throughout the empire. Eragala on the Tiderun featuring the great cities of Morgad and Thera, stretches from the rocky cliffs of the Western Ocean to the swampy plain of the Tiderun. Morgad is the great seaport of the empire, and Thera is known as the Pleasure City. Okami, the forest region, is known for its dense forests and unforgiving rocky terrain. Highvale along the New Mountain range, features the great city of Vinlans, which is known for its fine crops, and wines. Highvale borders Armach. And finally the conquered Lands pressing the border of Thenol. The provinces are reinforced with outposts of Rudil across the Tiderun, Faroen at the base of Steamwall, and Brilmantar in the Steamwall range. Travel around the empire is done primarily by well maintained roads and bridges built and maintained by convict and slave gangs. Garrisons are positioned throughout the provinces for protection.

The society and class structure of the league places every citizen, minotaur, man, elf, gnome or dwarf in a class that echoes their given life. At the top is the Emperor. The royal family is the extended family of the emperor, which are often placed in positions of authority and control over the empire. Careful consideration is taken to maintain the power base of rule. They do their best to mirror the lifestyle of the upper classes so as not to look too ostentatious. Below them are the Horned Houses, the rest of the minotaurs in the league. Minotaurs are known as the best of all citizens of the league and hold precedent over all. Next is the social class of the ‘-iskis’. This is a formal title added to the end of your family name, and if granted make the family as valued as one from the Horned Houses. Below them are the common citizens, then the unfranchsed people, and finally comprising the lowest level are the slaves.

Minotaur justice is governed by the judiciary and senate, though guilt or innocence is always determined from either settlement or the arena. The arena, a tradition from ancient minotaur and Istar cultures, will allow the credo of Might is Right to reveal the fate. This is not always to the death, it actually begins with being pinned, unconsciousness, first blow, first blood, and then death. This is all based on the success of the representative and severity of the crime. You also are not required to fight yourself, as the championing industry has grown from the wealthier classes, allowing them to call on a family or hire a combat substitute to fight in their stead. In fact a whole Champions Guild has arisen for those with the influence or money who can afford them. The champions are graded by reputation and are taken care of in life, if they are successful in the arena. 

Of course the cornerstone of the Empire is the highly trained and incredibly efficient military. The Legions of Eragas, as the army is known, enforces the Emperor’s will, and controls and defends the far corners of his realm. The Legions of Eragas are composed primarily of legionaries. These Legionaries are broken into front line troops and light armored bowmen & slingers to support the heavy infantry. The cavalry was created to stand against the Uigan horsemen of the Tamire. It is broken into light cavalry, the Outlanders, members of border territory lands that work for the empire, and heavy mounted riders. They are the glamorous arm of the Cavalry composed of noblemen and seasoned campaigners.

The League of Merchants is composed of the loyal families. They have a monopoly on distribution of resources throughout the league, and exert their influence accordingly. Access to supplies is essential, and they guard their monopoly jealousy. There are no official religions of the League, as it was formed in the absence of the gods, but with the return of the gods came renewed interest and influence in Uigan Mislaxa, Qu’uan, and Jijin. Cults based around Thenol and Armach have appeared and Hiteh is hard at work on secret plans yet to be revealed. 

In the Age of Mortals, after the Godless Night, massive earthquakes shook the league, destroying Kristophan  and killing the Emperor and Royal Family. This created a civil war with years of infighting until the weakened League gained its latest emperor Ambeutine the XIII.


But that is all the time I have to talk about The Imperial League of Minotaurs. I hope you enjoyed the information. Do you enjoy using the challenging ideas of government and slavery in your campaigns? Could the Blood Sea Minotaurs learn from their Taladas brothers? And finally, would you ever run a war based campaign for your players? Leave a comment below. 

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