Enjoy this reading of The Way of the Seekers – The First Seeker. It was released in the Lost Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home sourcebook edited by Maraget Weis. It was released on December 23rd, 2007 through Margaret Weis Production. You can buy Lost Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/51186/Lost-Leaves-From-the-Inn-of-the-Last-Home-35?affiliate_id=50797
The Way of the Seekers
The First Seeker
The flock to ruin falls should
My staff and hand abate;
As men doth fail when gods
Forsake us to our fate.
Behold! I let them wander;
The sheep dwind’ and die.
So too need men their gods,
Lest meet men their demise.
Chance met a dwarf at road-fork
I ask’d, “What gods have ye?”
From ‘neath beard bellow’d, “Reorx!
Only and all we need!”
“This god your pray’r doth answer?”
Ask’d I in sinc’rity.
Guffawed the dwarf, “Nay, sir!
Who needs divinity?”
To the elf woods walked I
And ask’d, “What gods have ye?”
Elf-prince gave soft reply,
“E’li is all elves need.
Chosen children in his eyes,
We live by his light bless’d.”
“Your prayer he sets to rights?”
Ask’d I, the humble guest.
“Nay, alas,” spake he, “he’s gone.
He tests us in our faith.”
“Nay, alas,” Spake I. “He’s gone,”
“He’s left you to your fate.”
Thus began my trav’ls to
The lands of Anslaon.
Seeker of Gods a’new;
Man’s faith must be reborn.
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