Join me as I review The Dragons by Douglas Niles, live! Share your thoughts on this sixth volume in the Dragonlance Lost Histories sextet, released by TSR, INC. in October 1996. You can buy a copy here:
About The Dragons
War Among the Dragons….
“When dragons make war, Krynn can only tremble in the shadow of angry wings.” (Astinus Lorekeeper)
Aurican and Darlantan, mighty serpents of gold and silver, have been nurtured in a world of wisdom, meditation, and sublime faith. On the other side of Ansalon, Crematia, a dragon of red, inherits the Dark Queen’s legacy of betrayal, violence, conquest, and plunder.
The advent of a worldwide war sweeps these powerful beings and many more into desperate strife. Battles rage over Krynn with a fury that threatens to annihilate nations and whole races – even dragonkind. As campaigns ebb and flow, generations of lesser mortals come and go, and the great serpents are left to determine the fate of the world. Their triumphs may create a destiny of all-encompassing light or cast the world beneath the shadow of ultimate darkness.
The Dragons: The Lost Histories Series probes the historical roots and epic struggles of little-known inhabitants of Krynn.
Welcome to another DragonLance Saga review episode. It is Bracha, Brookgreen the 15th. My name is Adam and today I am going to give you my review of The Dragons by Douglas Niles. I would like to take a moment and thank the DLSaga members, and invite you to consider becoming a member by visiting the link in the description below. You can even pick up Dragonlance gaming materials using my affiliate links. This is my perspective only, and if you have any thoughts or disagree with mine, I invite you to share them in YouTube chat.
- The short story Aurora’s Eggs from The Dragons at War serves as a prequel
And that’s it for my review of The Dragons by Douglas Niles. What did you think of the scope of the book? Would you prefer a more focused story? And finally, do you feel like you had enough time with the different dragons? Feel free to email me at or leave a comment below.
I would like to take a moment and remind you to subscribe to this YouTube channel, ring the bell to get notified about upcoming videos and click the like button. This all goes to help other Dragonlance fans learn about this channel and its content.
I also want to take a second and let you all know about my new project! I have been developing a system agnostic, dark fantasy campaign setting called DireLands. You can learn more about it on my Eviliv3 Play youtube channel. The link is in the description below.
This channel is all about celebrating the wonderful world of the Dragonlance Saga, and I hope you will join me in the celebration. Thank you for watching, this has been Adam with DragonLance Saga and until next time Slàinte mhath (slan-ge-var).
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