The Dragonarmies

We know of the failed and famous Dragon Highlords, but how much do we know about the Dragonarmies as a whole, and the less notable Dragon Highlords? Let’s take a birds eye view of the Dragon Highlords. Buy War of the Lance:


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Ariakas organized the Dragonarmies to inspire community and brotherhood, and at the top are the Dragon Highlords.


Welcome to another DragonLance Saga episode. My name is Adam and today we are going to talk about The Dragonarmies. I would like to take a moment and thank the members of this channel, and invite you to consider becoming a member by visiting the link in the description below. You can even pick up Dragonlance gaming materials using my affiliate link. I am referencing the War of the Lance sourcebook primarily for this information. If I leave anything out or misspeak, please leave a comment below.


The seeds of the Dragonarmy lay in the previous dragon war, where the Queen of Darkness was banished by Huma Dragonbane. But it was the Cataclysm and foundation stone that allowed that seed to grow. A decade before the War of the Lance, Ariakas was already busy organizing his army across racial, cultural and national boundaries. It cannot be understated the pure infernal majesty created in Takhisis’ name under Ariakas’ rule. He was able to bring together groups of beings that have otherwise warred with each other into units that operate strikingly well and all in secret! The Dragonarmies were broken into wings, based on the color of the chromatic dragons assigned to each. So the reference of Red Dragonarmy and Red Wing are synonymous. Each wing has from two to five flights. Each flight is composed of two to three brigades of three or more companies, based on the wing’s orders. While the composition of types of troops will be an episode unto itself, the control of a wing and chain of command will be the primary focus of this episode.

So without further ado, let’s take a look at each wing’s Dragon Highlord. While they do vary and command changes throughout the history of the War of the Lance, there are traits that each successful Dragon Highlord shares. They must be ambitious, driven, and know how to successfully inspire their command team and troops. This may be done by regular pay, or fear, but this is never a guarantee of success when commanding the Dark Queen’s wings. Ariakas carefully crafted this dog-eat-dog culture in her majesty’s army to ensure only the wily and persistent will remain in command. Ariakas is the chief Highlord in the Dark Queen’s Dragonarmies. 

Highlords are the highest-ranking office, and each wing has one assigned to command. All Highlord positions are in a state of constant flux, as they will be continually tested by their troops, peers, Ariakas and even the Dark Queen herself. Each Highlord has a number of highmasters below them who serve as lieutenants, field commanders, administrators and personal assistants. Beneath the highmasters, the chain of command can fluctuate, depending on the Dragon Highlord and the schemes of those under their command. Dragon army officers tend to be the next in line of command, and they tend to hold the position of brigade commander, flying citadel wind captains, regional coverners, petty bureaucrats, etc. Fewmasters operate primarily on a provincial level, commanding individual companies on behalf of a highlord. 

The Black Dragonarmy’s mission is support and asset management. They typically adopt the role of an occupying force. Initially commanded by Maldeev, who was succeeded by Lucien of Takar. He has emboldened the Black Wing by taking a mercenary approach of operating on a contractual basis with his officers and soldiers. He occupied and governed Blode, Zhakar and Balifor by forming strong pacts with the ogres and dark dwarves therein. The Black Wing is made up primarily of Ogres, hill giants and human mercenaries. Lucien prefers to use Baaz and Bozak Draconians, pairing the bozak elite troops with ogre mages.

The Blue Dragonarmy may be the most popular, and ties with the Red Wing for the most Highlord turnovers. Initially led by Merinsaard, leadership shifted first to Kartilann of Khur, Then most of its successes came when Kitiara Uth Matar took control. She brokered deals with leaders in the north, leading hoards of human and draconian soldiers, Hobgoblins and Kobolds from the Taman Busuk, Ogres from Kern and the Reaper Army, Lord Soth’s legion. Kitiara paid her troops well, and entrusted her highmasters with more responsibilities. Because of this she was the most revered Dragon Highlord under Ariakas himself. The Blue Wing controlled Vingaard, Kalaman, Throtyl and Lemish. After Kitiaras death, Karalas took control of the Blue Wing.

The Green Dragonarmy is led by Salah-Khan, who took over from the first now unknown Dragon Highlord. The Green wing was initially tasked with assisting the Red Wing, but supported the Black and White forces throughout the war. The Green Wing controlled Kern, Khur and northern Silvanest, being held back by the Nightmare. The Green wing is composed primarily of Ogres, nomads, and goblins. After Salah-Khan’s death, Hullek Skullsmasher took control of the Green Wing. They excel at running guerilla campaigns that harry defenses and wear down any resistance. When faced with another army, they retreat to pre-planned ambush territories.

The Red Dragonarmy was led by Duulket Ariakas, When he became emperor, Phair Caron took control, upon his death, Verminaard of Nidus became the Dragon Highlord. After the companions murdered him, Rugoheras took command of the Red Wing. This is the strongest arm of the Dragonarmies. It controlled much of the Newsea region and southern Ansalon. Verminaard used propaganda and fear  prior to reducing a region to ash. He would use local leadership against a population and was wildly successful, until… well, you know. The soldiers are the highest paid and consist of mainly baaz, bozak and kapak draconians. Supported by human and goblin mercenaries. 

The White Dragonarmy was led by Feal-Thas, is a support wing. They aided in the Goodlund campaign and aided the assault on Silvanesti. It commands from Icereach after making pacts with ogres of Daltigoth, Thanoi of Icereach, and Minotaurs from Mithas. Its scouts ride dragonback or on the backs of polar bears! After Feal-Thas’ death, Barbarossa ended up taking command of the White Wing. Many would see the White Wing as having a minor role in the Dragonarmies, but under Feal-Thas it was truly integral to the forced evacuation of Silvanesti.

Though the leadership of the wings would shift throughout the war, the Dragonarmies would teach an invaluable lesson to future warlords, specifically through its failures. And because of that it’s easy to dismiss them as failures. But until the companions found the Dragonlances, nothing stood in the way of the overwhelming military might and tactical prowess of her dark majesties army, and if it weren’t for Raistlin Majere, even with evil consuming itself, Takhisis would have been successful. 


But that is all I have to say about the Dragon Highlords. I hope you enjoyed the information. What other details would you like to learn about the Dragonarmies or their units? Do you have a favorite Dragon Highlord? And finally, if the Dragonarmies had the structure of the Knights of Takhisis, would Ansalon ever have turned to the Fifth Age? Leave a comment below. 

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I don’t want to be traveling with someone who looks like they got in a fight with a maypole and lost.

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