There are many nations in post Cataclysm Ansalon. Nations that are hospitable to specific peoples or none at all. Let’s take a closer look at the largest and most diverse, Solamnia. Buy Tales of the Lance:
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There are no other nations as large or diverse as Solamnia. Let’s take a closer look.
Welcome to another DragonLance Saga episode. My name is Adam and today we are going to talk about the nation of Solamnia. I would like to take a moment and thank the members of this channel, and invite you to consider becoming a member by visiting the link in the description below. You can even pick up Dragonlance gaming materials using my affiliate links. I am referencing the Tales of the Lance boxed set and War of the Lance sourcebook for this information. If I leave anything out or misspeak, please leave a comment below!
The Age of Despair is colloquially split with the Time of Darkness beginning with the Cataclysm and lasting until 332 AC and the Time of Dragons lasting until 348 AC ending with the Chaos War. The major event we are focusing on in this age is the War of the Lance. Before the Cataclysm, Solamnia was ruled primarily by the Knights of Solamnia. In the chaos, regional infighting, famine and disease that swept Ansalon, the Knights fell out of favor and the nation split into a collection of independent city-states. Though there hasn’t been a census, it is believed to have a population of around seven hundred, twenty thousand, one hundred and twenty residents. They are primarily human, a fair amount of dwarves and even fewer of other races make up the rest of the population. The languages spoken are Solamnic, Common and Dwarven primarily.
Of the five hundred miles of northern Ansalon, the geography of Solamnia is truly varied. It features sandy deserts in the north along the Sirrion Sea, with dark and stormy plains off the Straits of Shallsea, and the Straights of Algoni. It features three impressive mountain ranges, the Vingaard, Dargaard, and Garnet ranges, and hosts the longest river in all of Ansalon, the Vingaard river. The plains of Solamnia are also incredibly fertile, and its de facto capital of Palanthus is the world-wide center of learning, theology and writing. Due to its framing by three seas, the folk of Solamnia have educated themselves in maritime occupations, with the cities of Caergoth, Palanthas and Kalaman being among the foremost shipbuilding cities in the world.
The northwestern region of Solamnia contains the vast and rugged Vingaard Mountains where Palanthus lies in the Bay of Branchala. They also house the High Clerist’s Tower, the central site for the Knights of the Sword. A high road connects Palanthus to the High Clerist’s Tower and continues on to Vingaard Keep. This keep guards the Vingaard river which feeds the plains which produces enough grain and meat to feed the entire continent of Ansalon! South of the plains stands the Garnet Mountains which were gifted to the dwarves who continue to mine it and founded the beautiful city of Garnet. East of Garnet lies the forest land of Lemish.
The climate of Solamnia is nestled solidly in the temperate zone, though the sheer size of Solamnia means there are varied climates. In the north, again, we see large swaths of sandy deserts with long summers and no winters. Rainfall is minimal as the currents draw moisture toward the Nordmaar peninsula. From Palanthus south, they have a full range of seasons with long hot summers from Chislmont to Hiddumont and snowy winters from Phoenix to Rannmont. Rainfall is less than the lush seaboard of Coaslund in the West due to the first high peaks which sift the air. TheVingaard River Valley however receives ample rainfall and hot weather with three month summers and winters. This affords planting and harvest festivals in the two month span springs and autumns. The winters in Southlund and Garnet are more extreme as the rough waters off Cape Caergoth sends icy winds ashore and bold tides from the Southern Sirrion Sea. The sorelands of Southund boast wind blasted moors whose residents are as strong and sinewy as its grass.
The trade of Solamnia includes ships, timber and beer from Caergoth, ships and navigators from Kalaman, gems, Iron and Steel from the Dwarven province of Kayolin, ships books, beer, ale and textiles from Palanthus, grain and cattle from Solanthus and horses and cattle from Vingaard. Because of the War of the Lance, resources are increasingly scarce due to the need to rebuild, forming trading partnerships with Nordmaar, the Ergoths, Sancrist and Qualinesti.
Because of its sheer size, before the War of the Lance there was no concentrated effort to unify its peoples. Post War of the Lance, the Knights of Solamnia have begun efforts in reorganizing the myriad of city states. Some of Solamnia’s major locations are as follows: Caergoth is the capital city of Southlund. It is known for its excellent shipwrits and sailors. The primary industries are farming the sea and land. Its people are loyal, hardworking and honest, many of which feed into the Knights of Solamnia, and Caergoth is a stronghold for the knighthood. Garnet is a sovereign dwarven province loyal to the Knighthood. Working together to face the deep rooted evils in the nation. Dargaard faces the eastern flank of Solamnia, guarding against the nomads of Estwild until the fall of Lord Soth. The area was called Knightlund with a K, and it is now called Nightlund due to the Death Knight. Kalaman is the northeastern jewel of Solamnia. It was a bastion of good until the War of the Lance, and even after it is split between its eastern and western halves, occupied with Knight of Solamnia and remnants of the Red Dragon army.
Palanthus is swept up in a religious revival after the arrival of the Discs of Mishakal and Elistan the Priest of Paladine. Temples to all gods are in active construction, and education is encouraged. Hargoth is a major port and trading center of the Coastlund region. There is a small Knighthood presence, but they have never controlled the city. It is governed with a heavy hand by Lord Hargoth whose lineage dates back to its counting. Ironrock fortress is in the southern end of the Vingaard range and houses a garrison of Knights. It was built during the Third Dragon War. Solanthus is a major stop on trade routes due to its central proximity in Solamnia. The Guildmasters led a revolt against the knights before the War. After the war, it was ravaged by the Blue Dragon Army and continues to fight, trying to rid itself of their presence. Once the capital of Solamnia and the location of the Rose Rebellion, Vingaard rebelled against its lord and claimed independence. It was occupied during the war, but liberated early on, and much like its sister cities, seeks aid in clearing out any and all remnants.
But that is all I have to say about the geography of Solamnia in the War of the Lance era. What do you think of Solamnia? Should the people have risen up against the Knighthood? Do you spend much time in game in its plains or coastal regions? Leave a comment below.
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Palanthas has lived in peace and beauty for many centuries. But we will buy neither peace nor beauty at the price of our freedom.
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