Sargasanti – Formerly Silvanost

There are a number of dramatic changes in the post War of Souls, Age of Mortals Era. One such significant event was the invasion and claiming of the elven homeland by minotaurs. Let’s examine Sargasanti formerly known as Silvanost. Buy Age of Mortals:


Cold Open

Mina and the One God were not the only ones executing long laid plans during the War of Souls.


Welcome to another DragonLance Saga episode. My name is Adam and today I am going to talk about Sargasanti – Formerly Silvanost. I would like to take a moment and thank the DLSaga members, and invite you to consider becoming a member by visiting the link in the description below. You can even pick up Dragonlance gaming materials using my affiliate links. I am referencing the Age of Mortals sourcebook for this information. If I leave anything out or misspeak, please leave a comment below!


The Minotaur nation has a legacy of slavery going back to their creation by the Graygem. They have never had a place of ownership or power on Ansalon, though they have long fought and bled for one. It would take the destruction of Istar in the Cataclysm to separate the mainland of Ansalon from the Blood Sea Isles where the minotaurs lived, and even then, their cultural traditions of warfare and might makes right style of ruling led as often to inner conflict as much as outer conflict . In the Age of Mortals, General Hotak De-Droka assassinated the former Emperor during the Chaor War, and established an empire by blood. Rather than any great warrior being able to challenge the emperor for control, it was now a monarchy. He laid plans of expansion into Ansalon proper through their old enemy’s territory of Silvanesti. This was not the first attempt at an invasion by the Minotaur Empire, and while the last was some two thousand years before the cataclysm, the lessons learned were not forgotten to time.

Only a little over a year after claiming power, Hotak De-Droka ordered the invasion as Mina was leaving Silvanesti after having felled the shield that was raised by Cyan Bloodbane, and Cyan himself. The minotaurs made quick work of the Dark Knights occupation force and claimed Silvanost as their own, renaming it Sargas’ Glory, or Sargasanti. With the Dark Knights expelled from the capital, the Minotaur Empire had the foothold it always wanted, and could now base all of its future operations from the mainland rather than their islands of Mithas and Kothas at the other side of the Blood Sea. Massive amounts of troops and settlers began to arrive and within six months, the millenia old nation of Silvanesti was renamed by its imperial Minotaur Colonists as Ambeon.

While the forest was being sectioned off into five by five acre plots for the settlers to build upon, extensive roads were being built to connect the colonists and military troops. Outposts were raised along the forest borders for security including six fortresses by 421 AC for protection, with more in the planning! The leadership made an alliance with the Ogres of Blode to the north, and the old political machinations inevitably returned. Hotak’s wife, Nephera De-Droka sought to see her son Ardnor De-Droka on the throne, and assassinated her husband to see it done! But this particular game of thrones isn’t over for while many minotaur soldiers and citizens accepted the new bloodline of the Emperor, not all of them did. Ardnor would be beheaded by Faros Es-Kalin the same year of his rise to power with the full blessing of the now returned god Sarganas and took Hotak’s daughter Maritia de-Droka as his wife, shoring up any possible dissent and entrenching his position of power.

The capital city of Sargasanti fundamentally changed the once timeless Silvanesti capital of Silvanost in a number of ways. Entire districts were razed. Ancient towers that once housed the great Silvanesti Houses were now homes to prominent minotaur Clan leaders. There are seven Clan Towers that formed the Emperor’s Fleet. Clan Droka took the Tower of Stars. It is said the ghost of Lorac appears at dusk, seated on the Emerald Throne and will remain until the elves have reclaimed their homeland. The superstitious minotaurs sealed the chamber and hold audiences in the governor’s palace across the garden. Defensive barricades have been raised around each for added security. In the center of the towers is the beautiful Garden of Astarin. It is seen as a symbol of Strength and renamed to the Garden of Triumph. The other clans include the loyal Clan Bregan, the wealthy merchant Clan Athak, the Stone Clan Lagrangli who are raising the fortifications on the borders, Clan Zhakan who is in charge of the non-minotaur mercenaries. Clan Teskos who is a rare clan experienced in arcane magic. They were declared renegades when the Orders of High Sorcery were around. And finally Clan Entragath who are political masters in their own right. 

The beautiful Palace of Quinari is now the Governor’s Palace. It is the largest residence in the city, standing over three hundred feet high. It is divided into three distinct wings. Much of the elven furniture was used for firewood or sold on a now thriving black market as both Elven Nations are all but extinct, their wares are sought after in their rarity. Astarin’s temple is now a Temple of Sargas. All traces of the elven god have been removed. The temple consists of three towers, two smaller ones flanking a single large tower. The two smaller towers house shrines to the lesser gods according to the empire, with shrines to the other deities of darkness and Balance. There is even a small shrine to Kiri-Jolith. The central tower is dedicated to Sargas himself.

The Field of Dishonor was once the home of the House Meralline. This area is now used to execute traitors. The Parade Grounds were once home to House Cleric. Now, every morning the Imperial Guard and soldiers from the Great Clans run drills on the grounds. The Governor of Sargasanti gives weekly speeches here to the colonists as well. The Market Grounds were once home of the legendary House Protector. It is now an open-air market where merchants import goods for the colonies. From dawn-to-dusk this bustling center is a place of trade. The imperial guard imposes a curfew at night for security. The Fields of Honor were once the location for House Mystic. This is the location for the future grand coliseum currently under construction. The Barracks of the Wildrunners are now inhabited by mercenaries and ogres. It is one of the only areas where non-minotaurs are allowed in the colony. And finally the Quarries. These areas were walled off and captured slaves now carve out stone blocks for use in construction all across the former elven city. 

With the minotaur empire’s emperor now in position and Ambeon, their new imperial colony secured, it was time to plan their expansion into the west. This was undone in two ways. First was Wizards of the Coast who canceled all of the Dragonlance novels and second was Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman who had to take them to court to have their Destinies trilogy published, and won in settlement. The authors that began Dragonlance novels, ended the Age of Mortals by erasing it from the timeline in their same Destinies trilogy. So we will have to decide o n our home gaming tables where the Minotaur Empire goes from here, leaving an age ripe for your own storytelling.


But that is all the time I have to talk about Sargasanti – Formerly Silvanost. What do you think about Minotaurs claiming Silvanesti? Will they ever expand their territory on Ansalon? And finally, would you play a war game focusing on the minotaur invasion? Leave a comment below. 

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A testimony of fools is still a testimony.

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