Enjoy this reading of The Way of the Seekers – Prayer Before Sleep. It was included in the Lost Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home sourcebook edited by Maraget Weis. It was released on December 23rd, 2007 through Margaret Weis Production. You can buy Lost Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/51186/Lost-Leaves-From-the-Inn-of-the-Last-Home-35?affiliate_id=50797
The Way of the Seeker
Prayer Before Sleep
I am humble before the New Gods.
Sauvay, Fatherlord, the Blessed Revenge, stay your
wrath from our hearts this night that we may sleep in peace.
Olmathea, Motherlord, Giver of Life, the Protector, send
your mercy to us, for we are humble servants. Cadithal,
Tradelord, we bargain our humility for rest, and upon
waking will again take up your call. Faere, Daughter of the
Gods, Goddess of Growing Things and Inspiration, bless us
with your gentle touch that love might grow in our hearts
this night. Zeshun, Queen of the Night, Keeper of Memory,
guard us from wrongdoing in our dreams, and remind us of
our humility upon waking.
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