Join me as I create a replacement bookmark for my Dragonlance reading, and reflect on my original one.
Cold Open
Realising I needed a bookmark for my copy of The Annotated Chronicles reminded me of my original Dragonlance bookmark from 30 years before.
Welcome to another DragonLance Saga creator episode. My name is Adam and today I am making a new Dragonlance bookmark. Don’t forget to like and subscribe to this channel, ring the bell, and you can further help this channel, and pick up Dragonlance Gaming materials, using my affiliate link in the description below.
I was at a temporary stopping point as I paused reading The Annotated Chronicles for the first time. As I slid the cover sleeve into place, I remembered my first Dragonlance bookmark. It wasn’t fancy and it didn’t cost me anything. It really wasn’t anything more than lined paper folded up and taped together, adorned with a Dragonlance logo I drew on one side. On the other side, I would write down in shorthand every Dragonlance novel I finished reading. I did this all throughout middle school and high school. The back of that frayed and dingy bookmark was covered with ink. It gave me a sense of satisfaction to fill it up and to struggle with space as I planned the books to read in the future.
Sometimes I would have to skip a space on the back of that bookmark, because the library didn’t have the second or third of a series in for me to check out, and I would move onto the next trilogy of books. Because of the availability issue at my library, it took me months to finally get a copy of Dragons of Spring Dawning to read.
The drawing of the logo on the front of the bookmark was illustrated by me looking at a novel cover. It was far from perfect, as I tend to have mildly shaky hands, but it didn’t matter to me. It was mine, and it represented MY reading journey through Krynn – at my own pace and in my own way. The logo grew to mean more than simply a brand, or the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons campaign. It grew to mean private time for myself with a book, usually wrapped up under a blanket on my bed or on a couch. I have a lot of nostalgia for those weekends. I would explore imaginary landscapes, and go on adventures with both old and new friends.
Reading was not just an escape for me, but a time to process and reflect. I would read a chapter, insert my dingy old bookmark, and reflect on that chapter. I would often compare the situation in the book to similar situations I was experiencing, though mine were far less interesting or dangerous. Sometimes I would put a book down for days, but when I was ready to return, my Dragonlance bookmark was always there to help settle me back into the pages. It’s funny. It’s just a bunch of folded up paper with a shaky logo drawn on one side after all, but it went on every journey with me. It became my traveling companion of sorts. I never thought of it that way when I was using it, but now, as I am making a new one because I couldn’t find my original after having scoured my bookshelf and files, I do miss it.
I doubt that this new bookmark will go through the wear and tear that my original one did, or that it will truly replace my original in my heart, but I thought in honor of its memory, I would make it similarly, by looking at a logo, and redrawing it. Now, I am a professional in the advertising industry, so I could make it digitally flawless, redrawn with expert precision in a perfect color recreation, but I don’t mind the imperfections or signs of mistakes and process.
It gave me an excuse to open up my old college art folders and boxes. I relived moments of inspiration, success and failure with my art as I sifted through old projects and pieces. I would collect the essential tools, set up my camera and get to work. My hands are still shaky, and I started too large for the whole logo to fit the width of the page, but I think this will do nicely. Point in fact, I may prefer the mistakes for this, my new Dragonlance Bookmark.
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This channel is all about celebrating the wonderful world of the Dragonlance Saga, and I hope you will join me in the celebration. Until next time, Slàinte mhath
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