Enjoy my interview with New York Times best selling science fiction and fantasy author Margaret Weis. Together with Tracy Hickman, they created many fantasy worlds including Dragonlance. They have a new novel, Dragons of Deceit releasing on August 9th 2022 returning to the Dragonlance world.
You can preorder Dragons of Deceit here: https://amzn.to/3HLMWHWYou can find Margaret Weis on her website: https://margaretweis.com/ and on Twitter: https://twitter.com/WeisMargaret
Welcome to another DragonLance Saga Professionals episode. My name is Adam and today I am talking with New York Times best selling science fiction and fantasy author Margaret Weis.
I would like to take a moment and thank the members of this YouTube channel, and invite you to consider becoming a member by visiting the link in the description below. You can even pick up Dragonlance gaming materials using my affiliate link.
- Do you ever tire of Dragonlance?
- What is Dragonlance Classic?
- What does Dragonlance mean to you?
- What inspired you to return to Dragonlance after over a decade?
- Is it easy to slip back into Dragonlance stories?
- What is it like collaborating with Tracy Hickman again after so many years?
- Are you able to talk about the hangups with the upcoming Destinies trilogy?
- When writing a trilogy for a company that owns the IP, do they have a lot of input on the content of the story, or direction it should take?
- What was one of your biggest hurdles, besides the legal issues with writing a new trilogy in Dragonlance?
- Are you concerned about revisiting MacGuffins or plot tropes like the Device of Time Journeying when conceptualizing the new trilogy?
- Is there a balance you find yourself tiptoeing when revisiting characters, like Tasslehoff and possibly more companions in this new trilogy?
- What do you feel this new trilogy will bring to Dragonlance?
- Do you write for the fans or for the story?
- What is the most rewarding aspect of writing for you?
- Are you concerned with the reception of novels while you write them, or after they are published?
- What was your most challenging novel to write?
- What did you think of the direction the Fifth Age took after you finished Dragons of a Summer Flame?
- I was under the impression that it was supposed to be a trilogy, can you speak to what was cut out of the novel conceptually?
- When Tracy Hickman and yourself pitched the War of Souls, did you have an idea about the path you would take Mina down?
- Is there ever a chance of you licensing Dragonlance from Wizards to make sourcebooks again?
Subscriber Questions
- How much did wizard’s meddling effect the new series? How different are the characters and story outline, from the first draft to finished product?
- Who is your favorite character, and why is it Tasslehoff Burrfoot?
- Any missed opportunities from the early books she would like to explore/wishes she could do over?
- If you could go back and rewrite Dragons of Summer Flame into the trilogy that it was meant to be, would you?
- Who did she base Mina on? Did she always know where she was taking the character?
- Dragonlance was once a beloved setting for role playing games, video games and of course novels and short stories. Any idea why it has all but vanished, and what it would take to regain all that lost momentum?
- Any plans on revisiting Sularin (Rose of the Prophet) or making a campaign setting book out of it?
- What ideas or concepts would you like to explore in future novels?
- Who comes up with the titles for the books she co-writes with Tracy Hickman? I always wondered if it was her, him, or the D&D marketing department.
- I would ask her how she would bring Raistlin back with his magic intact and fully ruthless?
- Plans for the draconians of Tyr. Especially the Auraks of the city.
- Where did the idea of the gods abandonment of the clergy/people come from?
- Are Tas and Nightshade good friends in the afterlife? That is if Tas is really at rest?
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Weis
- https://margaretweis.com/
- https://twitter.com/WeisMargaret
Original works
- Deathgate Cycle
- Dragonlance
- Chronicles
- Legends
- Lost Chronicles
- War of Souls
- Dark Disciple
- Draconian
- Raistlin
We have come to the end of my interview with Margaret Weis. She was incredibly gracious with her time, and I feel very fortunate to have been given the opportunity to speak with her. What do you think of the upcoming novel? Do you have a favorite novel she has written? And if you could have her write any Dragonlance novel of your choosing, what would it be about? Feel free to email me at info@dlsaga.com or comment below.
I would like to once again invite you to consider becoming a member of this channel, and remind you that you can pick up Dragonlance gaming materials using my affiliate link, all of which are in the description below.
This channel is all about celebrating the wonderful world of the Dragonlance Saga, and I hope you will join me in the celebration. Thank you for watching, this has been Adam with DragonLance Saga and until next time Slàinte mhath (slan-ge-var).

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