Lesser Dragon Overlords

The Dragon Overlords were an unfortunate byproduct of Takhsis’ designs in the wake of the Chaos War. One could argue they did more damage and caused more change to Krynn than the Gods ever did. Let’s learn more about the Dragon Overlords. Buy Races of Ansalon: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/27946/Races-of-Ansalon-35?affiliate_id=50797


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Though not as mighty as the five dragon overlords, These Lesser Dragon Overlords still dominate the traditional Dragons of Krynn.


Welcome to another DragonLance Saga episode. My name is Adam and today we are going to talk about Lesser Dragon Overlords. I would like to take a moment and thank the members of this channel, and invite you to consider becoming a member by visiting the link in the description below. You can even pick up Dragonlance gaming materials using my affiliate link. I am referencing Dragonlance Fifth Age sourcebooks including Age of Mortals and Dragonlance Campaign sourcebook for this information. If I leave anything out or misspeak, please leave a comment below.


While the Dragon Overlords conducted their Dragon Purge, eliminating masses of native dragons of all ages to Krynn, not all were easy targets. Now referred to as Lesser Dragon Overlords, these powerful creatures found ways of working between the five overlords’ new domains, claiming territory native to their chromatic or metallic preference. They claimed and staked out what are referred to as Minor Dragon Realms, but make no mistake, these great wyrms participated in the Dragon Purge and are still massive threats to those who underestimate them in comparison. Let’s take a look at some of these Lesser Dragon Overlords.

Brynseldimer is a sea dragon native to Krynn who dwelt beneath the Blood Sea of Istar. He spent the majority of his life raiding sailing vessels to grow his hoard, but when the Summer of Chaos saw Chaos Minions populating his territory, he fled south as he preferred isolation. He witnessed the beginnings of the Dragon Purge and decided to take part as secretly as possible. He defeated many sea and land dragons before claiming the Dimernesti kingdom as his new territory. Known as Brine, he decimated Dimernost and regularly patrolled and terrorized the sea elves therein. He would go further to enslave the Sea Elves and continue raiding the area until finally defeated by the Heroes of the Heart.

Cryonisis & Frisindia are twin white dragons, the only known twin dragons on Krynn. They supported each other through the Dragon Purge and even defeated Terrasleetix for control of Icereach. They are the only dragons to extend their domain through terraforming without a Skull Totem. They extended the Icewall Glacier to just south of the Plains of Dust. Ice controls the Western lands while her sister Freeze controls the East. They aim to usurp the white dragon overlord Gellidus, and actively try to build their own Dragon Totem. The only threat to their domain are remnand undead from the Chaos War, so they enlist the denizens of their land to search for holy relics known to be able to defeat them.

Fenalysten is a red dragon native to Krynn. He fought in the War of the Lance and is known as ruthless and brutal to all. He inhabits the hilly basin between the Dargaard Mountains and the northwestern Khalkist Mountains. Cinder as he is known to mortals has aspirations of being as powerful as Malystryx, though he is not so foolish as to think he could beat her. He jealously eyes the Neighboring Lorrinar’s realm for its mountains and is in constant preparation for assaulting her territory. His plans include partnering with the Knights of Neraka and collecting enough magical items so as to make the assault certain. He met his ignoble end by a band of heroes in 422 A.C.

Iyesta is a Brass Dragon known as Splendor. She is the only metallic dragon who rules a territory, though to be fair, her territory was once Stenndunuus’ an alien blue dragon, known as Thunder. He fought through the Dragon Purge to claim the Plains of Dust as his own, and that was when Iyesta came. They had  a grueling battle when Malys called an end to the Dragon Purge. Iyesta claims the eastern bank of the Torath River and Stenndunuus claims the west. The plains have slowly been returning to their pre cataclysm state with more grassy tundra terrain and while Iyesta worked with the Legion of Steel, Thunder planned with the Tarmak to abduct and murder brass dragons under Iyesta’s care and confront and kill Iyesta herself. Linsha Majere was granted the same Abyssal Lance and used it to aid in the defeat of Thunder around 421 A.C.

Lorrinar, an alien green dragon, wants to simply be left alone. He fled his homeworld to escape the powerful dragons there. His domain consists of the forest of Lahue and the Astivar Mountains in Northern Ansalon. He is the least imposing of the overlords but isn’t ignorant to the politics surrounding his domain. While he hasn’t been spotted since the Dragon Purge, he stays abreast on the goings on through a network of spies, including legionnaires, dwarves and ogres. He actively destroys those who dare approach his lair, and he is fully aware of Fenalsten’s desires. Fume, as he is known, uses his network to collect magical items he plans to bribe Beryl for aid with when Cinder attacks. 

Mohrlex, or Pitch as humans know him, is a black dragon who claimed the tropical swamp along the northwestern shores of the Miremier known as The Great Moors of Nordmaar. He stays out of others politics and schemes, preferring to entertain than to hunt and kill. Onyx tried to forge a treaty, but Pitch wanted no part of it, so his traitorous agent infected him with the Bakalian Plague. As his body calcified and was slowly becoming paralysed, he sought a cure. Transforming into a human he met a party of heroes who identified the traitor, who Pitch confronted. He was ultimately cured and returned to his domain to rule more evenly. He is still believed to inhabit the domain to this day.

Pyrothraxus, or Pyro, has claimed the isle of Sancrist as his domain. He is clearly an alien red dragon who knew nothing of the volcano’s inhabitants. The gnomes didn’t seem to take notice of his presence, until they began asking him incessant questions. So furious was he that he lashed out attacking them. The gnomes were fortunate for the unforeseen benefits their equipment provided and survived, only to pester him more. Pyro left the mountain for another lair nearby, and the gnomes followed! They test their weapons on him, question him about everything. If he weren’t so prideful, he could admit defeat and leave, but he can’t admit to being bested by gnomes. It is believed he has since gone mad.

And those are the lesser dragon overlords and their fates. I often wonder why they never included Taladas in the fifth age, because I would love to know about the dragons that dominated that continent, or if all the Ortholox dragons worked together to prevent their incursion. I also wonder if the pathway to the other dragon world from which the alien dragons came is still open. I’d like to see a kaiju styled clash of the titans between the dragon world rulers and our gods of krynn. But alas, we will never know outside of our home campaigns.. 


And that is all the time I have to talk about Lesser Dragon Overlords. I hope you enjoyed the information. Do you have a favorite Dragon Overlord? How about a favorite Dragon Overlord death? Or did you pretend none of the Fifth Age ever happened to Krynn in your campaign? Leave a comment below. 

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Until we conquer the evils within ourselves we can never conquer the great evil that threatens to engulf us!

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