Krynnspace Creatures

Krynnspace is filled with those who not just explore wildspace, but also those who defend their own territories. Lets take a look at the creatures of Krynnspace. Buy Krynnspace:

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Not all creatures are familiar to the denizens of Krynnspace. Let’s take a look at a few…


Welcome to another DragonLance Saga episode. My name is Adam and today we are going to talk about Krynnspace Creatures. I would like to take a moment and thank the members of this channel, and invite you to consider becoming a member by visiting the link in the description below. You can even pick up Dragonlance gaming materials using my affiliate link. I am referencing the SJR7 Krynnspace Spelljammer accessory for this information. If I misspeak or leave anything out, please leave a comment below!


Most of the creatures we speak about dwell on the varied planetary bodies of Krynnspace, but the first two are spacefaring societies. The Lakshu are exclusively female harridans. They are very similar in appearance to each other, standing five and a half to six feet tall, and sporting green hair. They are a warrior society, though rarely attack anyone unless ordered by their masters the Reigar. Long ago the two societies connected and though they have both had small presences in Krynnspace for decades, they do not plan on staying. Reigar are the other space faring species, though small in number, they have great influence over the Lakshu. They tend to appear androgenous, and enjoy decorating themselves with tattoos, makeup and all have a strong sense of personal aesthetics. They stand on average six or seven feet in height and feature a glory that surrounds them, which is a cloud of glowing, colorful emotes. Generally the race is individualistic, and prefer solitary explorations of art and magic. If compelled to battle they are fierce and prefer to watch their enemies suffer.

Returning to the large bodies of Krynnspace, at its center is the Sun which is in fact inhabited, primarily by Efreet and Hellions. There are actual cities on the surface of the sun where the Hellions dwell. Efreet are often mistaken as devils, for their skin is generally red and fiery. They stand around twelve feet tall and can weigh two thousand pounds! They are beings from the elemental plane of fire. They war with the hellions as they have been stripped of their wish granting abilities and seek a way to return to their plane. They live a nomadic life, warring with the Hellions.  Hellions are composed of quasi-metallic skeletons, surrounded by liquid flame. They dwell here, as most were driven from the elemental plane of fire from other efreet! They are highly intelligent, preferring to live in small connected societies who call upon each other for support when under attack. They do not enjoy fighting, but will be as aggressive as necessary for survival. 

Traveling to the planet of Sirion, we will find Azer and Plasmen. The Azer dwell on islands formed by molten oceans. Azer look like dwarves, only with flame for hair and deep bronze skin. 

They are open to visitors in the northern hemisphere, as they maintain a port of call for spelljammers there. They are interested in acquiring magic, gems and curiosities along with the efreet who dwell nearby. The Azer actually craft compounds that protect others visiting the planet. The Plasmen of Sirion live in the boiling seas and mountainous southern pole. They are constructs created by deranged wizards and creatures from the elemental planes of fire and earth. They have bodies of white hot coals, which float on molten-like material. They are quick to attack. They are even able to take to the skies to assault visitors. They tend to avoid the other residents of Sirion. 

Reorx is populated sparsely with dwarves, gnomes, humans and mindflayers! Though the surface societies are generally favorable to visitors, there is a dark underbelly to this planet. The Mindflayers dwell deep beneath the surface and even beneath the dwarven mines! They operate a large slave ring which even breeds primarily human slaves to sell offplanet. Their skin is soft and rubbery, featuring colors from green to violet. They are psionic masters who dominate their victims minds. They have a squidlike face, with tentacles extending from their heads. Oh yea, they also eat brains!

We are all familiar with the denizens of Krynn, and if you aren’t, I would encourage you to watch my many races and creatures of Krynn videos. Chislev is very sparsely inhabited with nomadic primitive demi human races. The vast majority of life is the global jungle that sprawls over its mountains. It was visited by Shou Lung from Toril, and there is a small camp maintained on the surface. Zivilyn and its twelve moons contain denizens who consist of the survivors of crashes. Not much is known of Nehzmyth, which is a harsh, dismal world covered in fetid swamps. The Neogi and their pet Umber Hulks dwell beneath the surface. The Neogi are a spider-like race known for their pillaging and enslavement of other races. Adult Neogi are no larger than a typical human child, whose head rests atop an eel-like neck. They dye and tattoo their bodies for rank and family. Though they are ruthless and cunning, they are not individually powerful, relying on their slaves to fight for them. Umber hulks and their watery cousins the Vodyanoi also dwell on the planet. They have webbed hands and feet, with slimy green skin. Their mandibles are incredibly powerful, being able to bite through clam shells! They are very tall, growing to ten feet in height. Vodyanoi are territorial and vicious, attacking with their claws and mandibles, even commanding electric eels in some cases. They are reasonably intelligent, but celebrate physical strength over intellect.

The Stellar Islands is perhaps the most odd amalgamation of sentient beings who live in relative harmony! They feature tropical weather and celebrate week-long festivals between the Giff, Dragons, Gnome, Grommam and Giant species. The Giff are a mercenary race who appear to be hippopotamus humanoids. They are not as tall as ogres, standing around eight feet, but are much more massive. Their skin ranges from gray to gold, which they enjoy tattooing. They are as strong as hill giants, and prefer to wear uniforms. They celebrate their military accomplishments and have a strong sense of honor. Grommam are gorilla like, sentient apes. They have short copper-red fur covering their deep brown skin. On average they stand under five feet but weigh up to 500 muscular pounds! They drape themselves in loose, brightly colored clothing, and communicate much in the way our modern gorillas do with vocal grunts and calls. They live in tree and ground familial societies. Bosk Giants are territorial and aggressive. They are considered stupid compared to their cousins, but have a natural cunning that traditionally takes the form of terrible ruthlessness. They dwell in bogs and marshes, and rather than toss boulders, they prefer to charge into melee. They can swallow great amounts of swamp water which they spit in a massive stream at their foes. This bile infused, fetid water can not only damage but paralyze. Swamp Giants are thought to be evolved Bosk Giants. They dwell in similar areas, featuring green skin and hair which they take care of, braiding and shaving  as the individual prefers. They have thick hides which they enjoy covering in the skin of young green dragons! They only fight when they are forced to, and then, prefer to start with spells to entrap the aggressor, then finish them off with spears from a distance. 

Though this is by no means the totality of all the creatures one may find in Krynnspace, they are the most common to the planetary bodies. 


But that is all the time I have to talk about Krynnspace’s creatures. Do you have a favorite creature? Would you ever include them in your Dragonlance campaign? And if you play Spelljammer, do you have a favorite planet in Krynnspace to visit? Leave a comment below. 

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This channel is all about celebrating the wonderful world of the Dragonlance Saga, and I hope you’ll join me in the celebration. Thank you for watching, this has been Adam with DragonLance Saga and until next time, remember: 

“Worlds? Why, yes, there are worlds upon worlds upon worlds! And to study them is to be very worldly, you know.”

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