The people of Khur are as rugged as their lands. Split between seven tribes, you would do well to know where they each land politically if you ever travel these desert wastes. Buy War of the Lance:
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The catalyst of dramatic change in Khur’s environment came as a flood…
Welcome to another DragonLance Saga episode. My name is Adam and today we are going to talk about Khur in the War of the Lance Era. I would like to take a moment and thank the members of this channel, and invite you to consider becoming a member by visiting the link in the description below. You can even pick up Dragonlance gaming materials using my affiliate links. I am referencing Tales of the Lance and War of the Lance sourcebooks for this information. If I leave anything out or misspeak, please leave a comment below!
Understanding Khur in the War of the Lance Era is to understand Khur as it has always been. Populated by nomadic tribes who would travel from one water source to the next. But in ancient times, before the Cataclysm, rather than traversing vast deserts, the tribes of Khur were more like the Abanasinian plainsmen, traveling across its vast grassy plains. Then the Drowning came. You see, as the mountain crushed Istar, forming the Blood Sea, waters rushed into the land of Khur, stripping away layers of topsoil, and when these great floods finally receded, it left behind desert sands and arid wastes. However the people of Khur are hardy, and as they lived their lives largely unaware of the goings on outside their nation, they simply adapted to this new reality. They were able to thrive in this new land where most other Ansalonians would have perished. This is the legacy of the Khurish people. Adapt and overcome.
Khur is located between the Khalkist Mountains in the west, the rocky badlands in the north, and Balifor in the east. It is a land of great shifting dunes that stretch for as long as they eye can see. Beneath these dunes are ancient ruins of the Istarian Savana city. As the dunes naturally shift, ruins are buried and revealed so the exact number is unknown. When large structures are revealed, the tribes will claim them for their own. In the north you will find rare oases, though the chance that they are unoccupied by existing tribes is slim to none. The people of Khur are welcoming if you are entertaining or wealthy, but they are quick to dispatch those who bring danger with them. The secrets of the underground springs are carefully guarded and necessary for survival in this desert land.
Khur is one of the driest places on Krynn. From Chislmont to Hidudmont the days are scorching while the nights are near freezing. The skies are pristine blue as clouds are burned away as fast as they form. The night sky is a spectacle of stars. Sandstorms occasionally decimate the land and are deadlier than hail. From H’raramont to Mishamont clouds are able to form and even scatter some rare rain, tempering the heat ever so slightly. Rarely cloudbursts over mountains create flash floods in the valleys below.
The population of Khur is estimated to be over three hundred and seventy thousand, composed primarily by humans with ogres, draconians and goblins making up the largest of the remaining population. Religion is a cultural staple for many of the tribes from the Daughters of Elir-Sana who worship Mishakal, to the Seers of Delphin who worship Zivilyn, and the Soul Traders of Chemosh. The primary economy is based on trade. There are no greater horse breeders than the Khur, with diamonds, ancient artifacts, spices and rugs filling out the majority of their offerings. With the exception of the Khur, Mikku and Weya-Lu, tribes are nomadic. Each tribe is composed of various clans who traverse the sands with scouts taking the lead. If you encounter these tribes you may be treated indifferently by the Fin-Maskar or Tondoon, or hostile by the Mayakhur or Hachakee. You would do well to avoid the Midnight Jackals. This tribe is composed primarily of criminals and misfits. In the north are the Shalecutters, hill dwarves who have lived here as long as the human tribes.
After the Cataclysm, the tribes fled from the flood and were united under the warrior Keja. They survived the rising sea level by fleeing into the Khalkists. Keja would found Khuri-Khan the capital. Upon his death, his seven sons split the people into seven tribes, with Garmac remaining in the city. Though the seven warred with each other, over time they would all pay tribute to Garmac and his tribe the Khur. When the Green Dragonarmy came, the Khur accepted its alliance. The other tribes are not strong enough to stand against Khur and the Dragonarmy, so they roam free, striking at them at opportune moments. With the Dragonarmies came the cult of the Soul Traders. These fanatics of Chemosh would seek out those desiring immortality, and at times those who don’t want it as well. These unwitting volunteers ultimately serve Takhisis in their undeath.
Khuri-Khan is the largest city and the capital of the nation with over twenty thousand residents. It features massive stone walls, palaces and glimmering buildings. Highlord Salah-Khan lives in the Palace of the Setting Sun. He assists in protecting the Khur tribe from the other six in exchange for resources and warriors. This Dragonarmy occupation has forced the Daughters of Elir-Sana into a mysterious trance. Delphon is the next largest city at over eleven thousand residents. It is east of Khuri-Khan, and north of the Khurman Sea. It features sandstone buildings and marble towers and is the home of the Weya-Lu tribe. They are occupied by the Green Dragonarmy as well, but the Seers of Delphon see a day when they will be liberated. From here the settlements become much smaller. Pashin has only over three thousand residents. It is a large walled city near the border of Silvanesti and the Burning Lands. It is the primary trade location between the tribes of Khur and the Ogres of Blode. Ak-Khurman has over two thousand residents and was once a small fishing village, built by the Mikku tribe, that has become a thriving port city. Initially welcoming the Dragonarmy, the people have quickly soured with their occupiers. Close in size to Ak-Khurman is Ak-Baral. It is located north of Delphon in the center of the most treacherous region of the desert. The fierce warrior tribe of the Hachakoo live on this stony rise above the desert and fight off any Dragonarmy influence. Ak-Tubal has just over a thousand members of the Mayakhur tribe, known for shady dealings. It lies in the grasslands only a day’s journey from the mountains. They are well defended and maintain a large number of horses. As they are allied with Khur, the Green Dragonarmy has many dragons in this area. Finally, Alan Ak-Khan has less than a thousand residents and is the northernmost settlement of the Fin-Maskar of Balifor. Rebel forces have connections here and it is watched closely by the Dragonarmies.
Apart from the settlements the Burning Lands bordering Silvanesti is a great salt flat over forty square miles in size. Legends say a piece of the burning mountain that hit Istar fell here and is the cause of the immense heat. The Cactus Forests in the northern deserts house great stands of the Vashin Cactus. They are difficult to navigate with their stinging barbs but make great, safe homes for the wildlife that reside here. Finally the Khurman sea provides the Khur with water and tolerable climates with many fishing villages along its inland shores. It is shrouded in fog in the mornings but remains the fastest route to traverse the deserts.
And that is all I have to say about Khur in the War of the Lance Era. What do you think of this desolate desert landscape? Do you find beauty in the wasteland as the Khur do? And finally, do you like hearing about the myriad of peoples that inhabit Krynn? Leave a comment below.
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Anger is energy spent foolishly.
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