This inhospitable land, even by ogre standards, has little to offer beside the rugged ogre tribes and their cultural breeders. Let’s learn more about Kern. Buy War of the Lance:
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As the patron deity of Ogres, is it any surprise Takhisis herself would call upon the ogres of Kern?
Welcome to another DragonLance Saga episode. My name is Adam and today we are going to talk about Kern in the War of the Lance Era. I would like to take a moment and thank the members of this channel, and invite you to consider becoming a member by visiting the link in the description below. You can even pick up Dragonlance gaming materials using my affiliate links. I am referencing Tales of the Lance and War of the Lance sourcebooks for this information. If I leave anything out or misspeak, please leave a comment below!
There are two primary ogre nations and the most civilized of these is Blode. Let’s focus today on the lesser known and impactful ogre nation of Kern. After the obliteration of Istar with the Cataclysm, ogres would stream down from the mountains and settle these lands. The ogres who claimed this land easily settled any disputes to their claims with characteristic violence. Kern has a population of around a hundred thousand, composed primarily by ogres, and the last ten percent consists of humans, half-ogre, naturally, goblins and centaur. There is no centralized government, as ogres are largely tribal, though there is a Khanate that interacts with other nations and armies when necessary.
Kern may have little to offer other nations in terms of agricultural trade, they are still highly valuable to the Dragonarmies for their highly trained hunting dogs and slaves. The ogres of Kern has spent generations honing their techniques of domesticating animals and training their hunting dogs. They specialize in the common local dog breed called Carsh. The Carsh are highly valued in the neighboring nations of Taman Busuk, Nordmaar and Estwilde.
Kern is a large territory that is cushioned between the Taman Busuk and the Blood Sea of Istar from west to east, and Nordmaar and Khur from north to south. And though the majority of that territory is composed of grasslands, there are a few forested areas which provide lumber and cover for those tribes in need. The north of Kern holds a small forest and the Endscape woods. Therein hardy pines thrive among the myriad of species of ferns. It is bordered by the Miremier which is home to scrag, sea lions and nixies. The eastern lands of Kern, where the grass become increasingly dense, treacherous sloughs and hidden bogs dotting the landscape making it an inhospitable area. In the south, the grasslands give way to a vast savanna and ultimately into the deserts of Khur.
The climate in the south and west is generally dryer and rough. It is only tolerable in contrast to the deserts of Khur. Through Bran to Phoenix, the blue cloudless sky offers no respite for travelers, but from Aelmont to Chislmont the skies are filled with thunderclouds which drench the land, creating the water table for which the vegetation can survive off throughout the year. The peninsula to the north, is in stark contrast to the south, with frequent and unpredictable rainfall thanks to the buildup of clouds over the Northern Courrain Ocean, which funnels south over the Miremier Straits. The humidity of Kern intensifies the temperature, inviting a vast array of species and biting insects.
Again, there is no centralized government, so when the Red Dragonarmy, then later Green Dragonarmy occupied the nation, they were welcomed. It is rumored that Takhisis, the Queen of Darkness herself met with the Khanate in the capital city of Kernen to direct her favored children in joining her Dragonarmies. Ogres, as a cultural trait, have always admired aggression, and willingly supported and joined the Dragonarmies, forming the bulk of its infantry. Once Salah-Khan takes office governing both Kern and Nordmaar, he will inflict heavy taxes upon the ogres, eventually resulting in a rebellion near the end of the war.
The major settlements of Kern are shadowy reflections of the ancient power and skill the ogre race was once celebrated for. The largest settlement and capital is Kernen, with a population of over thirty-six thousand. It is nestled between the arms of the Khalkist Mountains and has been there for millenia. There has been no alterations or growth of the city which remains in the same state since its creation, cut from the very mountains that surround it. This metropolis is the home to the Great Khan Guugar. The second largest city is Ogrebend with a population of just under four thousand. It is run by Chieftain Charbag who oversees the seaport town with pride. Therein the fishmongers provide goods and services while the local population works on the Black Dragonarmies naval vessels. The last major city is Hag’s Dirk with a population just under three-thousand. It’s northeast of the capital and was once an Istarian human settlement in a province once called Taol. Chieftain Gurik Kendercutter is famed for his town’s slave trade, which fetches the highest price of any market in the region. They regularly transfer slaves to Mithas and Kothas through Dragon’s Point’s tower.
There are other interesting sites of note including the unforgivable desert of Antal Kizm. It was once a lush jungle that surrounded an ancient ogre metropolis. It is now inhabited by a group of gnomes who keep a menagerie of rare creatures hidden in its rocky lands. From time to time, one or more of these creatures unfamiliar to the rest of Ansalon either escapes or is set free. Most avoid this area as death seems to be the only result of exploration. The Canals are southeast of the capital and span nearly two miles. Though the canals do not appear to be man made, it does siphon water from underground springs in strange straight lines along its length. This is the only place any form of agriculture is found. The Dancing Woods are at the end of Kern’s peninsula. They are inhabited primarily by Wendle centaur and wilder elves. The ogre are kept at bay by the forest’s myriad of fey denizens. They are so protective that even the Dragonarmies dragons steer clear of it. The Delving lies between Kern and the Taman Busuk. Like many high desert regions it is teeming with life, and even dotted with springs, but the land is so rough that not many bother trying to settle there. It is also rumored to be the territory of an ancient massive scorpion that was awakened by the cataclysm. Finally the Giant’s Road was built by ancient ogres to link both of the ogre capitals. This road is still heavily guarded by both giants and ogres, so anyone brave enough to use it without permission may lose more than the clothing on their back.
The Nation of Kern is not one to be traveled lightly. Adventurers wishing to pass through or explore its ancient ruins will do well to come prepared and walk with a big stick, so to speak. Ogres respect aggression and boldness, though they are just as likely to see it as a direct threat as to respect it. There are many secrets buried in this land as the ancient ogre race was once known for its magical prowess as much as for its stonecrafting, even more so than dwarves! So Kern is a land ripe for high level adventuring.
But that is all I have to say about Kern in the War of the Lance Era. Do you highlight slavery in your games? What about adventuring in this Dragonarmy occupied nation? Leave a comment below.
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Reason?! Two stones would have a better chance of reasoning with each other!
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