Flat Bread

Join me as I make Flat Bread – From Tika’s Cookbook for the first time! This is a recipe from Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home sourcebook, originally released in 1987. The recipes are compiled by Tika Waylan Majere. You can buy Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home here: https://amzn.to/3FOuL2J

From Tika’s Cookbook

Flat Bread

This bread is popular among adventurers and

Wilder elves, since it can be prepared fresh in the

wilderness by pan frying. The baked version,

stuffed with meats and cheeses, is more prevalent

in civilized banquet halls.

  • 2 ½ cups flour (white. or I cup white

and 1½ cups rye or, whole wheat)

  • 1 package dry yeast
  • ½ cup warm water mixed with 1

teaspoon sugar

  • ½ cup warm water mixed with 1

teaspoon salt

Pour warm sugar water in bowl. Sprinkle yeast

in gently so it sinks smoothly without lumping.

Let mixture stand 10 minutes. Add sale water

and 1 cup flour; mix well. Add remaining flour;

stir thoroughly.

Turn onto floured board; knead 10 minutes.

Divide dough into 6 portions. Roll each portion

into a ½ to ¾-inch thick circle; place circles on

greased baking sheet at least 1 inch apart.

Bake at 425 degrees until golden brown spots

appear on bottom and edges, about 8 to 12 minutes.

Bread will remain mostly unbrowned.

Serve warm or cool on cookie racks before freezing

for storage (reheat straight from freezer at

400 degrees for 5 minutes). This method will

form a pocket bread perfect for stuffing. Before

scoring, poke bread with a fork to release air and

flatten bread.

Alternate cooking method: In heavy skillet, fry

bread in 1 tablespoon hot oil over medium heat

for about 2 minutes on each side until golden

brown spots appear. Bread should remain mostly

unbrowned. This method will not form a pocket,

but it will yield a chewy, moist bread also suitable

for freezer storage.


Cold Open

There is nothing better than fresh, warm bread with any meal.


Today I am making Flat Bread from Tika’s Cookbook in Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home. If you have made this recipe, share your thoughts in the comments below!


This is an incredibly simple recipe that takes around thirty minutes from start to delicious warm bread. It paired perfectly with Fizban’s Fireball Chili, and if made in the oven, I can imagine melted ham and cheese with a bowl of soup with it. It requires two and a half cups of flour, one package dry yeast, one half cup of warm water with one teaspoon of sugar, and one half cup of warm water with one teaspoon of salt.

First, after collecting my ingredients, I put approximately half a cup of warm water in the bowl to dissolve the sugar. I added the salt to the remaining water while the sugar dissolved. I should have dissolved it first or used a whisk to mix it, I just didn’t have anything handy. Preparation helps when recording your cooking! Then I sprinkled the yeast over the sugar water and waited ten minutes for it to sing and activate. Then I mixed in the salt water and about on ecup of the flour with a wooden spoon. I prefer a wooden spoon when mixing any dough. It’s easy to clean and the dough isn’t going to get caught in tiny coils like it would with a beater or whisk. I continued to add flour until it was thoroughly mixed, then transferred it to a floured surface. 

I spent just under ten minutes kneading the dough, adding flour to the surface as needed to prevent sticking. Then I separated the dough into six equal portions, and rolled them out to approximately one half inch thickness. I turned our Cast Iron pan on medium heat with approximately one tablespoon of vegetable oil. We ended up turning the heat down a little as Cast Iron can get and maintain heat well, and it was just a bit too hot. You want to cook for just under two minutes each side to create brown spots. The entire side will not brown. Once both sides are cooked, set them aside to cool a bit, then enjoy! 

This was a fast, delicious recipe for flat bread, and it is one we will definitely be using again!


Thank you for tuning into this Dragonlance Recipe episode. This has been Adam with DragonLance Saga and until next time Slàinte mhath (slan-ge-var).

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