Estwilde – War of the Lance Era

It was the eastern staging point for the invasion of Solamnia by the Dragonarmies. Let’s learn more about the nation of Estwilde. Buy Tales of the Lance:


Cold Open

Yes it has human cannibals, and so much more…


Welcome to another DragonLance Saga episode. My name is Adam and today we are going to talk about the nation of Estwilde. I would like to take a moment and thank the members of this channel, and invite you to consider becoming a member by visiting the link in the description below. You can even pick up Dragonlance gaming materials using my affiliate links. I am referencing the Tales of the Lance boxed set and War of the Lance sourcebook for this information. If I leave anything out or misspeak, please leave a comment below!


As the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition adventure Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen is set in Kalaman with wings of the Red Dragonarmy assaulting Solamnia from Estwilde, I thought it would be a perfect time to talk about the nation of Estwilde. One might expect it to be full of single-minded monstrosities that the Dark Queen conscripted into combat. But the reality is far from it. Yes, there are those who were brought in under force or free will, there are also those who stand fiercely independent, as they have since before the Cataclysm. Let’s take a look at the region, climate and cultures of Estwilde.

Estwilde rests between the Dargaard Mountains and the northeastern Khalkist Mountains.Though its terrain is diverse, it is mainly composed of dry grasslands, rugged foothills, pine forests, and high mountains. Due to its inhospitable nature, only the more rugged animals can subsist here. It is broadly broken up into three primary areas: Qualmish, the North Shore, Quettar, the Midlands, and Qwermish, the South Shore. This is not to say these regions are isolated unto themselves, in fact though barbaric humans make up the majority of the population of over twenty-seven thousand, and there is a healthy representation of goblinoids, ogres, dwarves, giants and centaurs that live in disparate tribes as well. Languages vary from Common, Estwilde, Goblin and Ogre.

Not unlike Neraka and Kern, Estwild experiences severe weather for most of the year. In the summer from the months of Bran to Hiddumont, the Northern Courrain Ocean pours hot and steamy air into the broad plain, with very little rain to ease the land. The high humidity is uncharacteristically unhelpful to the grasses. On the off chance a large sporadic rain does come, it only momentarily greens up the land. From the months of Phoenix to Rannmont, winter strikes hard. Severe storms and rain blast the wasteland. The torrential blizzards are generous with its thunder and lightning. Trade is almost nonexistent in Estwild save for the bitter power produced called koko. Everything else they generate is considered substandard in contrast to its neighboring nations.

The Qualmish, or North Shore holds the Astavar Mountains and the Woods of Lahue with wiry trees and dense forests. It borders the Turbidus ocean and Nordmaar. There are rumors of the formation of a goblin empire in addition to the Lahutians, the pink-skinned, blonde-furred human cannibal tribes. It is the home of other primal creatures as well. Ohme is one of the only civilized and xenophobic settlements in Qualmish. It was once like Kalaman is today, an important port town where merchants could ship their goods from. Since the Cataclysm, mountains were raised nearby, drawing the town away from the shore while simultaneously flooding the area creating massive swamps. The Astavar Mountains are ogre and giant territory. The ogres have allied with the Dragonarmies and provide safe passage through their terrain. At times the populace war’s with the goblins of the Woods of Lahue. The Shadowglades are rumored to house a renegade wizard working for Takhisis, trying to create new, foul Draconian-like creatures. It is the home to many species not found elsewhere on Krynn.

Quettar or the Midlands are the foothill marshes nestled between the Dargaard Mountains and the Khalkists. The mountain barbarians dwell between Qualmish and Quettar, running raids south to Qwermish. They are the least organized of the people of Estwilde, but the most numerous. They consist of small groups of human and hobgoblin tribes. Many have been assimilated into the Dragonarmies. Firstwal is the largest city in the Midlands. It was originally created as a walled Solamnic outpost before the Cataclysm. It is currently inhabited by human farmers and civilized goblins, hobgoblins and half-ogres. Their ruler, Lemal Fellway has allowed the Dragonarmies to move troops and goods into her city. Kwinter Ranch is the most prosperous goat and horse ranch in Estwilde. It is fortified by the Dragonarmies who are drawing its superior horses into their conflict. Darkling Hall is an enormous, three-mile passage of smooth red stone walls and black polished stone floor that leads to the heart of the mountain. A sense of sorrow overwhelms those within and it is rumored to be the location of an ancient portal of the evil gods.

The Qwermish or the South Shore is the area around the New Sea and is arguably the most civilized region of Estwilde. Farmers operate collectively in small enclaves and fair-sized towns. Though they are distrustful of their neighbors. Scattered throughout all of Estwilde are the Lor-Tai, tribesmen who live a nomadic, hunter-gatherer life. They are the least suspicious of Estwilde’s population but the most closed off culture. They are a superstitious lot who do not interact with outsiders. They may dwell in an area for a single night or an entire month before moving on. Arl’s Watch is a small city near the mouth of New Sea which leads to Sanction. It is key to Estwilde’s control by the Dragonarmies. It features a handful of run down temples of the old gods. Haltigoth is the regional center of South Shore, located in the deepest bay of the region and features the richest soil along the coastline. Dragonarmies have taken up key spots throughout the city. Much of the recruitment for the Dragonarmies from the local barbarian population flows through here. Two Creek is this region’s oldest settlement. The residents fight off raids in the winter, and has become a primary place of residence for the Dragonarmies as well. Wheatley is a thriving hill dwarf settlement with a focus on finished metal goods. They are largely ignored by the Dragonarmies, but are ready to retreat to the safety of nearby caves if necessary. The Singing Mountains are a collection of mountains. They are considered a mystical site, where one hears mesmerizing songs, leading travelers to their unfortunate demise. It is a beautiful but terrifying place. 


But that is all I have to say about the geography and people of Estwilde in the War of the Lance era. What do you think of the nation? Have you mixed the barbarian tribes into your campaign? And finally, would you run players into the pink skinned cannibals? Leave a comment below. 

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Be thankful you can feel pity and horror at the death of an enemy. The day we cease to care – even for our enemies – is the day we have lost this battle.

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