Druid’s Spinach Salad

Join me as I make Druid’s Spinach Salad – From Tika’s Cookbook for the first time! This is a recipe from Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home sourcebook, originally released in 1987. The recipes are compiled by Tika Waylan Majere. You can buy Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home here: https://amzn.to/3FOuL2J

From Tika’s Cookbook

Druid’s Spinach Salad

  • 1 pound fresh spinach
  • 1 pint fresh mushrooms
  • 1 fresh lemon, or 2 tablespoons juice
  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • salt

Wash spinach leaves. shred them into bite-size
pieces, and drain them. Wash mushrooms, and
slice them lengthwise. Toss spinach and mushrooms
in salad bowl. Cut lemon in half and wrap
in cheese cloth or net to hold seed back while
squeezing lemon juice into salad. Splash with olive
oil and salt to taste. Toss salad. Serves 4.


This is a quick and simple, fresh salad recipe. By way of a disclaimer, I am not a fan of mushrooms, even though I know how completely healthy they are. I wasn’t even a fan of spinach until a decade ago! So this was one recipe that tested me. It consists of one pound fresh spinach, one pint of fresh mushrooms, one fresh lemon, or two tablespoons juice, one fourth cup olive oil and salt to taste.  Let’s start with the spinach. I prefer baby spinach, and this container is equivalent to one pound! That is a massive amount of spinach, and the recipe says it feeds four… right, not at one sitting. Since I only had eight ounces of mushrooms, one pint equals sixteen ounces, I halved the spinach and mushrooms. It still made an insane amount of salad!

The baby spinach is pre-rinsed, so I added that to the bowl, knowing I would be limited in room. Next after rinsing the mushrooms, I sliced them lengthwise. This process took a bit of time, but there is only one thing worse than a mushroom slice, a whole mushroom! Once I was finished slicing them, I added them to the salad, and proceeded  to mix them together. I am doing my best not to use the word toss when referencing this recipe. With the salad mixed well, I moved onto the lemon. I already had a half a lemon in the refrigerator, so I squeezed it through my hand, in order to catch the seeds. The recipe recommends a cheesecloth, but I’m like a professional and stuff so… oops, wait, nope, I got it, still a professional. I added a fourth cup of extra virgin olive oil and a healthy amount of salt. I mix them into the salad, trying to coat as much of the ingredients as possible. And that is it!

With the salad done, and being the only one home to enjoy it, I dish myself up a bowl and give it a go. Ehem! I will not be recommending this to anyone. It is not pleasant. I will be removing all of the mushrooms and sauteing them, then reintroducing them into the salad. It could be paired well with a nice medium rare steak and a glass of cabernet. Alone, by itself it is not something I will  ever eat. I guess I can’t be a druid…. Oh well.


Thank you for tuning into this Dragonlance Recipe episode. This has been Adam with DragonLance Saga and until next time Slàinte mhath (slan-ge-var).

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