Enjoy this reading of Dragonfire Or, Ask a Stupid Quest… from More Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home edited by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. You can pick up a physical or digital copy from DriveThruRPG Here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/204205/More-Leaves-from-the-Inn-of-the-Last-Home-2e?affiliate_id=50797
Or, Ask a Stupid Quest…
I. The Epic Argumen
By her I bided day by day,
Full of a love I dared not say,
Awestruck, I waited, lost and weak,
Nearly too terrified to speak,
Sorrowing, as I sighed for her,
Frozen by weakness—there we were,
I in the frailty of my heart,
She in her thoughts, alone, apart.
Finally, once she took my hand,
Only to say, “Please understand;
Love at a loss should never be
Stranded as we are. Go from me,
Seeking the courage hearts know best,
Showing it all at my request;
Search for what lovers all require:
Return to me with dragonfire.”
2. Preparation and Prayer
Sighing, she left. Her steps were slow,
Waiting for things I might not know.
Homeward I went, not looking back;
All through the night I filled a pack,
Stocking a bag of cleric’s tomes
Chalices, charms and palindromes,
Weapons of wonder and of war,
Sorcerers’ scrolls and kenderlore.
Sunrise I stood beside my bed,
My rucksack high above my head.
Forward I strode, my bed unmade,
Walking the road ahead, I prayed:
“Grant me the cunning of a gnome,
Cold of an elvish catacomb,
Courage of knights, and so inspire
My quest to bring her dragonfire.”
3. The Search for Guidance
Ready for doom, I shared my quest,
Full of the one whom I loved best,
Telling a shepherd all.
He Laughed
And wiped his eyes and said, “Ye’re daft.
What do you want with all that gear?
Planning on being gone a year?”
I said, “I seek a dragon, where—”
The shepherd shrugged. “He’s just up there.
Left at the lane’s-end here, then straight,
Right at the spring and upper gate,
Above the pasture land a way—
I walk it every other day.
Looking for dragonfire? Then go,
Tell him that Ralphie says hello.
Half a day’s hike or so, not higher,
I think you’ll find your dragonfire.”
4. The Quest, However Brief
He and his kinfolk laughed at me.
Turning my face from mockery
Facing my destiny, unsure,
Heedless of toil and sheep manure,
Scaling the slopes alone, unkissed,
Facing the mountains and the mist,
I climbed the ramparts, not to tire
Till I discovered dragonfire.
5. The Hero’s Request
Labor and sunset saw me stand
Over the highest pasture land,
Near where a dark and yawning cave
Gaped like a hero’s fresh-dug grave.
Nothing at all that I could see,
Scanning the dragon-made debris
Would challenge hearts and so inspire
Some proof of love from dragonfire.
Looming above me suddenly,
Awesome, he stood regarding me,
Saying in tones of worldly woe,
“Please tell me you’re a peddler. —No?”
I stood before him there and said,
“I love a woman. I aspire
To take for mine your dragonfire.”
6. The Supernatural Response
His answer came abrupt and clear:
“Young man, did Ralphie send you here?”
I nodded, mute. The dragon, wise,
Looking at me through golden eyes,
Answered my challenge, all intent:
“But this is hardly what she meant—”
Turning aside his deadly breath,
“—A lover wouldn’t seek your death.
Sleep until sunrise, then go down,
Back to your love who used to frown;
Dream of her smiling, through this night,
Dream of her under candle-light,
Dream of her in a moonlit glade,
Dream of her dancing, unafraid,
Dream of her wet with dreams and dew,
Dream of her as she dreams of you.
Dream of her as your heart’s desire,
And you will find your dragonfire.”
7. The Revelation, and the End of the Quest
I dreamed of her. I dreamed her dress:
Satin to lace, to less and less,
And then to smiles.
My dream was good,
And when I woke, I understood.
Up in the dawn I leapt and sprang,
Running downhill, I wept and sang
Til I was home, and there I fell,
Right at the door I knew so well,
Opening arms, and bended knee.
To my delight, she ran to me.
We met embracing, lips on lips,
All-tracing eyes and fingertips,
Both of us yielding an attack,
Cloaked in a night discreetly black.
Hearts are the oven of desire
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