Death Knights of Krynn Demo

Death Knights of Krynn is the second in a three-part series of Dragonlance Advanced Dungeons & Dragons “Gold Box” role-playing video games, published by Strategic Simulations, Inc. The game was released in 1991. Enjoy the demo of Death Knights of Krynn. Buy Now:

Death Knights of Krynn

Lord Soth has thrown down the gauntlet of challenge – a challenge that you are oath-bound to accept. It has been one short year since the Champions of Krynn claimed victory over the massed forces of evil. Now, the Lord of the Death Knights, Soth himself, is preparing to wreak havoc in an eruption of evil such as Krynn has never witnessed! As members of the Special Solamnic Order of the Champions of Krynn, you and your party stand as the only force capable of answering soth’s deadly challenge… and living to tell of it.

Death Knights of Krynn (DOS) Game Manual
Death Knights of Krynn (DOS) Game Manual
Death Knights of Krynn (DOS) Adventure Journal
Death Knights of Krynn (DOS) Adventure Journal
Death Knights of Krynn (DOS) Clue Book
Death Knights of Krynn (DOS) Clue Book
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