Join us as we play the adventure The Portal Closes with the D&D Adventure Cooperative Game. This is the fourth in a four part series of customized Dragonlance themed adventures that we will be playing with the Wrath of Ashardalon board game. D&D Adventure Cooperative Games are a series of Board Games initially released in August 2010. You can buy the board game here:
Cast of Characters
- Vistra | Dwarf Fighter
- Immeril | Eladrin Wizard
- Quinn | Human Cleric
- Tarak | Kender Rogue
Welcome to another DragonLance Saga episode. Today I am playing the D&D Adventure System with Derek, Colin, Chris and Gabriel in the adventure The Portal Closes with the D&D Adventure Cooperative Game. It is Bracha, Deepkolt the 10th and my name is Adam.
I would like to take a moment and thank the DLSaga members, and invite you to consider becoming a member by visiting the links in the description below. You can even pick up Dragonlance gaming materials using my affiliate link.
- It is the Fifth Age of Krynn. With the God’s return, the socio-political factions across Ansalon are in upheaval. The Knights are seeking to rebuild the High Clerist’s Tower which fell in the Chaos War, but they have discovered a horrible secret that has been hidden since the Age of Might. The High Clerist’s Tower was built over an ancient Temple of Chemosh. It was meant as a seal, protecting Solamnia from Chemosh’s Bone Acolytes, millenia ago. And it was successful, until the Secundus Cataclius and the destruction of the tower.
- The Knights of Solamnia have already sent in a party to close the portal to the Abyss which must be the source of the evil. But they failed to return and the knighthood feared the worst. They have conscripted you, our intrepid heroes, to enter the Ancient Temple of Chemosh, rescue the knights if any survived, and stop the evil within. You have fought your way into the temple. You have located the knights and freed them from their tormentors, and located the portal guarded by a dracolich! Now you must close the portal at all costs.
- The Portal Closes (The Vast Gate Ritual, Adventure 10, Wrath of Ashardalon – Altered)
- Start the Adventure Copy
- With the Dracolich defeated, you are certain the portal lies under its vile remains. After hours of clearing away the ancient bones, you uncover the portal and with no clue how to close it, you drop to the floor in despair. Then the faint sound of chanting echoes from within the portal. You recognise it as an abyssal language. It must be a ritual of Chemosh! Shivers run up your spine as the worst case scenario fills your mine–if your fears are correct, this chanting portends the connection of this portal with the Abyss, and the end to life as you know it on Krynn! You must enter the portal, find the source of the ritual, and end it before it is complete. Time is of the essence, go!
- When the Heroes Reveal the Dire Chamber Entrance Tile, Read:
- The chamber widens to reveal a crowd of evil cultists of Chemosh performing the ritual to open the portal to the Abyss. This is your chance to stop it and save Krynn!
- Start the Adventure Copy
And that’s it for this episode. Did you enjoy this Dragonlance themed series of adventures? What did you think of the board game? Do you have a favorite D&D Adventure System game? Lastly, would you like to join us as an online player? Feel free to email me at or leave a comment below.
This channel is all about celebrating the wonderful world of the Dragonlance Saga, and I hope you will join me in the celebration. Thank you for watching, this has been Adam with DragonLance Saga and until next time Slàinte mhath (slan-ge-var).
About Wrath of Ashardalon Board Game:
A cooperative game of adventure for 1-5 players set in the world of Dungeons & Dragons.
A heavy shadow falls across the land, cast by a dark spire that belches smoke and oozes fiery lava. A cave mouth leads to a maze of tunnels and chambers, and deep within this monster-infested labyrinth lurks the most terrifying creature of all: a red dragon!
Designed for 1-5 players, this boardgame features multiple scenarios, challenging quests, and cooperative game play.
Each player selects a hero; a rogue, thief, warrior, cleric, or wizard. On their turn, each player can explore further into the dungeon (turn over new tiles), move through the already explored parts of the dungeon, and fight monsters. When a new dungeon tile is revealed, there is typically an encounter of some sort, and new monsters to fight are added. Slain monsters reward the players with treasure, and experience points, allowing them to level up and increase their skills during play. Players must cooperate to stay alive, slay the monsters, and achieve the goal of their quest. Each scenario has a different goal – from retrieving a relic, to slaying a vampire lord.
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