D&D Adventure System – Into the High Clerist’s Tower

Join me as I play with Joe and Hero of the Lance member Derek in the adventure Into the High Clerist’s Tower with the D&D Adventure Cooperative Game. This is the first in a series of customized Dragonlance themed adventures we will be playing with the Wrath of Ashardalon board game. D&D Adventure Cooperative Games are a series of Board Games initially released in August 2010. You can buy the board game here: https://amzn.to/3qxvu4e

Bone Acolyte of Chemosh Series (Wrath of Ashardalon Board Game)

  • Cleric – Quinn Argose
    • Quinn Comes From a rich sea faering merchant family in Palanthis.  He left his family home to follow the walking god.  During a conversation with Valthonis he felt compelled to return home but not to his family.  His love of books and knowledge led him to the library and to follow Gilean.  His mission is to search for knowledge wherever it may be.  He has a serious analytical personality.
  • Paladine – Keyleth, Female Qualinesti Elf of Quen Illumini (Mishakal)
    • After the destruction of Qualinost, I followed my Speaker of the Sun Gilthas in his pilgrimage that ended in the elven nations battling for their very lives in the Inath-Wakenti. Once the valley was restored to life, I felt a call from Quen Illumini and traveled to Solamnia. I am road weary but driven by my divine purpose. I am curt and just, finding it difficult to warm up to my companions.
  • Rogue – Tarak
    • Tarak is a Half-ogre, Who doesn’t know where he is from. He finds copious amounts of joy in killing things. He is alway looking for adventure where he can sustain his blood lust. Other than that he likes long walks on the beach where he can try and find a fool to mug.

Into the High Clerist’s Tower (Find the Secret Tunnel, Adventure 7 – Altered)

  • Start the Adventure Copy
    • Each of you have been summoned to the Knightly Council in Vingaard Keep. Lord Kerrigan is sitting at the head of the council and invites you all forward. He leans forward and says: “As you may be aware, we are scheduled to begin rebuilding the High Clerist’s Tower after many years of it lying in ruin since the Summer of Chaos. However there is a problem. Our early surveys of the ruined tower indicate vile creatures escaping from beneath its ruins. 
    • “After consulting with Solamnic Clerics and our own historical records we revealed some rather disturbing information.” Kerrigan leans back, and suspiciously looks around the room as if in search of prying eyes or ears. Satisfied you are all alone in the hall, he leans forward again and continues. “What I am about to reveal must not leave this council. Solamnia is in a perilous position and this knowledge may be used against all those of good heart in the land. It is common knowledge that Vinas Solamnus, liberator of Solamnia and founder of the Knights of our Triumvirate, ordered the construction of the High Clerist’s tower in 1772 Pre Cataclius based on a Solamnic Cleric prophecy. What is not so widely known and only just uncovered through exhaustive research is that the precise site wasn’t just chosen for its defensive position. But rather because it was the location of a temple of absolute evil during the Age of Dreams. The High Clerist’s Tower was built upon the ruins of this temple as a protective barrier and now that the tower itself is in ruins, the evil that was kept at bay for millennia is now being unleashed upon the land.
    • ”We have sent a troop of Knights on the very mission we are asking of you, but they have not yet returned, and we fear the worst. We implore you to use this map.” A squire moves to retrieve the map from Lord Kerrigan and delivers it to you. Lord Kerrigan continues. “And enter the ruins of the High Clerist’s Tower. Find the entrance of the Ancient Temple, discover a way to close the portal and if possible return any surviving Knights home. By all that is just, we ask this of you. We will send reinforcements as soon as possible. What say you?”
    • Lord Kerrigan leans forward in anticipation. You can plainly see the anxiety and distress on his face. There must be much more on his mind than just this problem, and if rumors are true, the Knighthood itself is in political jeopardy. They would not have reached out to you, heroes in your own right, if the need was not urgent. The other knights sitting to Lord Kerrigan’s left and right do not seem to approve of his request, but their silence shows a lack of options available to them. Will you take up the mission?
  • Reveal the Chamber entrance Tile
    • The passage ahead widens, revealing a number of monstrous guards. If you can defeat these guardians, you can enter the ancient temple and discover its secrets, destroy its source and possibly find any survivors from earlier expeditions. Those of you with experience in the divine can plainly see markings of the God of Death and eternal Undeath, Chemos, etched into the stone. Waves of evil emanate from within and these bone covered eternal guardians may be your ticket to meeting the dark god himself.


  • Welcome to Dragonlance in the Fifth Age. The War of Souls has ended, and with the return of the Gods to Krynn, mortals have been tossed into disarray with military, political and social turmoil all across Ansalon. Mysterious pacts all across Ansalon have created the Beloved of Chemosh. Though most of the Dragon Overlords are gone and the land is returning to it’s natural climates, there is still great danger and opportunists are rising up in the vacuum of power left by the overlords. The Knights of Neraka are fractured and regrouping as are the Knights of Solamnia. Blood Sea Minotaurs are positioning themselves strategically in the south and east and if there was ever a time of wonder, danger and possibility, it is now. This is where we find our heroes. Having just received word from Lord Kerrigan of Vingaard Keep.

About Wrath of Ashardalon Board Game:

A cooperative game of adventure for 1-5 players set in the world of Dungeons & Dragons.

A heavy shadow falls across the land, cast by a dark spire that belches smoke and oozes fiery lava. A cave mouth leads to a maze of tunnels and chambers, and deep within this monster-infested labyrinth lurks the most terrifying creature of all: a red dragon!

Designed for 1-5 players, this boardgame features multiple scenarios, challenging quests, and cooperative game play.

Each player selects a hero; a rogue, thief, warrior, cleric, or wizard. On their turn, each player can explore further into the dungeon (turn over new tiles), move through the already explored parts of the dungeon, and fight monsters. When a new dungeon tile is revealed, there is typically an encounter of some sort, and new monsters to fight are added. Slain monsters reward the players with treasure, and experience points, allowing them to level up and increase their skills during play. Players must cooperate to stay alive, slay the monsters, and achieve the goal of their quest. Each scenario has a different goal – from retrieving a relic, to slaying a vampire lord.

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