Join me as I review the D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide, live! Share your thoughts on this 5th Edition of Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Master’s Guide published by Wizards of the Coast on December 9, 2014. You can pick up D&D Player’s Handbook here:
About D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide
Learn how to run a thrilling game of Dungeons & Dragons (5th edition)
Magic items—a treasure trove of items for your players to discover
Advice for creating your own world, monsters, spells, and magic items
Guide to balancing encounters—make combat as easy or deadly as you want it to be
A Dungeon-Masters-only tour of each plane of the D&D multiverse—from the Feywild to the Shadowfell
1 of 3 D&D Core Rulebooks—the Player’s Handbook (rules for playing the game), the Dungeon Master’s Guide (how to run the game), and Monster Manual (creatures to encounter in your game)
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