D&D 2024 – Tyranny of Dragons Actual Play, Session 3

Join us as we continue our @Dungeons & Dragons live play of a heavily customized Tyranny of Dragons with this Session Three! You can buy Tyranny of Dragons here: https://amzn.to/3XJvuND 

Time Stamps:

Cast of Characters

  • Boros | Abyssal Tiefling, 2nd Level Bard | Gabriel
  • Elowyn | Kayolin Niedar Dwarf, 2nd Level Cleric of Mishakal | Amy
  • Henry Ashbluff | Throt Human, 2nd Level Rogue | Sam
  • K’thriss | Aurak Draconian, 2nd level Fighter | Robert
  • Li’high | Kender, 2nd Level Druid of Habbakuk | Lauren
  • Gunnar Thorvald | Nordmaar Human, 2nd Level Barbarian | Chris

Game Setup

Last time on Tyranny of Dragons: Some of the heroes worked their way into the Mill while others were posted outside, and took care of the raiding cultists a few at a time. The healer was struggling to keep everyone up as the militia finally arrived. They took one of the mercenaries alive only to let him go and paid him to cause a diversion so they would use the Old Tunnel to return to the keep. Once there, Lennithon, the old blue dragon that has been harassing the village, began to assault the keep. It took the heroes a while, at great personal peril and the loss of the vast majority of the guards, but they fought off the dragon, then set their sights to the Temple of Shinare. They took stock, examining the activity around the temple before strategically entering the back door, then began to evacuate the citizens as the cultists circled the temple and tried to break their way into the front door. With little time to spare, let’s find out if they are successful in the rescue attempt…

About Tyranny of Dragons

The Return of Tiamat

An epic draconic adventure for levels 1-15

The forces of Tiamat, Queen of Evil Dragons, bring war to the Forgotten Realms. Led by the sinister Cult of the Dragon, an army of dragons and foul villains wage a merciless campaign to unleash their draconic god upon the world. Opposing them is a desperate alliance including the heroic Harpers and treacherous Zhentarim. This fragile coalition needs heroes to unite them and find ways to resist the draconic threat. Do you have the courage to stand against the Cult of the Dragon and the threat of Tiamat’s immortal tyranny?

Jump Into Play with D&D Beyond

Purchasing a digital copy of this book unlocks it for use in the D&D BEYOND compendium and toolset. D&D BEYOND is the official digital toolset for DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. Create characters in minutes, play directly on your character sheets with digital dice, and prep less and play more with Dungeon Master tools like the Encounter Builder and Combat Tracker. Unlock Maps, D&D BEYOND’s virtual tabletop, with a Master Tier subscription. Host game sessions on dozens of official maps, or make your own and use our player and monster tokens to take your gaming to the next level!

New features:

  • Adds 31 tyrannical monsters to use in the Encounter Builder to create & run organized battles for your party
  • Wield 13 new magical items against the forces of Tiamat with a click of your character sheet
  • A good beginner adventure for Dungeon Masters including rollable tables, detailed maps, and unique NPCs
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