Brothers in Arms Review

Join me as I review Brothers in Arms by Margaret Weis & Don Perrin, live! Share your thoughts on this second novel in The Raistlin Chronicles. You can pick up Brothers in Arms here:

About Brothers in Arms

This exciting follow-up to Soulforge brings an unforgettable character into the Majere twins’ world: their half-sister, Kitiara

The innocence of youth is lost to war . . . In the fiery siege of the city of Hope’s End, the young mage Raistlin Majere must leave behind his ideals to save himself and his twin brother. He and Caramon begin their training as mercenaries, tasked with capturing a city that holds a secret known only to the commander of the newly formed dragonarmies.

Yet as Raistlin and Caramon prepare for war, another soul is forged in the heat of battle. Faraway, another path is chosen—and a future dragon highlord begins her rise to power. Her name is Kitiara Uth Matar, and she is the beautiful but dark-hearted half-sister to the Majere twins.



Welcome to another DragonLance Saga episode. It is Misham, Brookgreen the 31st, my name is Adam and today I am going to give you my Spoiler review of Brothers in Arms by Margaret Weis & Don Perrin. I will be spoiling the story, so if you don’t want to know it, stop watching now! I would like to take a moment and thank the members of this YouTube channel, and invite you to consider becoming a member by visiting the link in the description below. You can even pick up Dragonlance gaming materials using my affiliate link. This is my perspective only, and if you have any thoughts or disagree with mine, I invite you to share them in YouTube chat.

The story picks up right where The Soulforge left off. Par-Salien is looking down from his tower on Antimodes, Raistlin and Caramon packing to leave the Tower of High Sorcery in Wayreth. He is intentionally making it cloudy and rainy as a statement to Antimodes, which is kind of a dick move if you ask me. They leave and Antimodes suggests the brothers seek out Baron Ivor of Langtree for work. They begin heading that direction and cross a stream where Raistlin’s mount twists its leg and Raistlin falls into the shallow river. The weather changes from sunny outside Wayreth forest to rainy and Raistlin becomes very sick. He asks to be taken to Haven and Lemuel’s home, who promptly takes care of him. Raistlin got pneumonia and is bed ridden for a bit. I like how even though Raaistlin was sick his whole life, this new post-test sickness is even more cumbersome and Raist doesn’t know how to deal with it initially. Antimodes leaves for his own duties and when Raist is healed, he and Caramon continue their travels, skirting Solace on their way, recognizing that there is nothing left there for them.

Kitiara joins up with Captain Balif, and reflects on her pregnancy briefly and even her time with Sturm and continued love of Tanis. She beds Balif and they head to see General Ariakas in Sanction. She sees the General commanding his troops, flog one and have another murdered before he meets with her. When they are alone he comes onto her strong, and she diverts his focus without pulling away, showcasing her intellect, cunning and boldness. When he admits that she is right in not having sex, he sends he on what she believes is a wild goose chase. She is to deliver a message to a dragon named Immolatus. And though she doesn’t believe in dragons, as soon as she sees one, and feels the fear flood her sense, she calls on Takhisis for the first time for help. Between her praising his magnificence and her cunning in delivery, Kitiara actually convinced Immolatus to travel to Sanction.

They arrive back at camp and Kitiara instructs Ariakas to treat Immolatus with the proper respect the dragon expects. This rubs Ariakas the wrong way, but found it prudent to indulge the wyrm. He reveals the secret plan to capture the silver and gold dragon eggs that were hidden after the last dragon war in Hope’s End, a town in the kingdom of Blődehelm. He tasks Kitiara to join Immolatus and Kitiara staves off Ariakas’ advances, promising herself to him after the mission. I love Kitiara here. She is an empowered woman who uses her cunning and wiles to accomplish goals, winning the respect of everyone she meets and only giving into their carnal desires if SHE wants to; if she can get something out of it, even if that is only pleasure. She staves off the most powerful of men, and he wants and respects her all the more for it.

Then we flash to Caramon and Raistlin who finally enter Langtree and join up with the Army. They meet and befriend a half kender named Scrounger who proves his resourcefulness and heart to the twins and the army. This is such a great part of the story. I had tons of flashbacks to my basic training throughout. I really appreciated the focus on earned respect and camaraderie that is unknown to most civilians. Soldiers do not have to agree or even like each other or their thoughts to respect and work with them. They are brothers. Brothers who have eachothers backs. Learning to accept others’ differences is something that should be a virtue as valuable to the socio-political Right as it should be to the Left. I have been labeled with ad hominem attacks simply because I see the world or even Dragonlance differently than others. This childish idea that everyone must believe and act the same has to stop. Our strength as a species and even a nation is in our diversity of self, thought and action.

We learn that they are going to fight the rebellion in Hope’s End, at the request of King Wihelm, which should prove interesting as they will undoubtedly run into Kitiara. Raistlin saves his master and the Mad Duke himself from a black robe booby trapped book and wins their gratitude and respect and Caramon is proven to be a master at soldiering. I could read about their military experience all day. I love the dynamics and how true to life they are, especially the training and cleaning. Then the day came to march off to Hope’s End. Raistlin and Horkin spent time foraging for components on the way.

They arrived at Hope’s Eend to see the Dragonarmy raping and pillagin, selling slaves and since he signed the contract, Baron Ivor feels stuck. He hated meeting the commander of the dragonarmy and his troops were being sent in to test the cities defenses. It is here we learn that the city was only trying to negotiate taxes but the dragonarmy is giving no options. Fight and die or surrender and be slaves. The residents are forced to fight for their very existence now. Caramon marches on the tower and sees his first battle. The loss of his army has scarred him and though he dealt with the madness well in battle, after he shed a number of tears.

Kitiara and Immolatus are in the city, trying to locate the dragon eggs before the city is attacked and they learn of an ancient temple. Immolatus cannot enter as it is consecrated to Paladine, so he sends Kit in. She is haunted by the spectral guardian and is shown her own death as a means to change her from evil to good, or atleast change her fate. She ignores it after being shook to her core by the terror, and locates the eggs, drawing a map. Raistlin is sent to Immolatus suspecting him to be a red robe mage also, but all Immolatus wants is the Staff of Magius not the magic items Raist brought to trade with him. Immolatus was attacked and nearly defeated by Magius, and now believes Raist to be his descendant. Raist flees as fast as he can safely from the intimidating dragon in man form.

Kitiara delivered the map to Immolatus who immediately told her to return to Sanction and he was off to destroy the dragon eggs, damn the Queen and her plans. Kit takes it upon herself to try and stop him, and nearly gets smashed by a boulder in the process. She believes she has fooled him into thinking she died, and is still trailing him. The C Company snuck into Hope’s End to assault it in the morning from within while Commander Kholos attacked with his Dragonarmy from the outside. Once inside, they learn the truth that the town tried to surrender, but were told to die or become slaves. Scrounger reports the information and the Baron himself comes to speak with a representative of the city. They sneak into the mayor’s home and learn the truth, though the Majeres and Scrounger have no idea what the decision was. Raistlin has been essential to the company entering the city and respect for him has grown within the leadership. 

Kiitara followed Immolatus into the cavern toward the dragon eggs and met the spectral knight who said Immolatus is now in dragon form and is going to help Kitiara defeat him. In a cavern before the eggs, the knight appeared before Immolatus and stunned him with holy  light, Kitiara stabbed him in the side. The ghost knight called on divine power to collapse the cavern, and the cavern collapsed. It didn’t kill the dragon, who changed to human form, and noticed the damage Kit had inflicted to him, and assumed Kit was crushed by the cave in that wounded him. He left to the only open escape, through the temple in Hope’s End. 

Raistlin, Scrounger and Caramon are sent to inspect the Temple to see if it would be a suitable field hospital. Raistlin is convinced Solinari had directed him to the temple. They enter as the dragon is being fought and feel the fear emanating through the tunnels. It was only by sheer will that Raistlin and the others continued, then the tremors began. They reach a knight’s tomb with an open casket and are sure there must be treasure. As Raistlin opens a gateway leading further into the temple, Immolatus is there, and grabs the staff, striking Raistlin down. The Staff of Magius is intelligent, being granted awareness by its creator Magius, and knows the evil of the being holding it. It strikes out with its magic, taking off Immolatus’ hand, and Raistlin quickly picks up the staff and strikes the dragon as hard as he can. Working in unison, the staff and Raistlin deal a critical blow to the now morphing dragon, which is killed by Kitiara on behalf of the Dark Queen, and another cavern collaps. Kit doesn’t want her brothers to know she’s there, so she waits till they leave to leave herself. She is unable to leave the knights tomb until she relinquishes the map she drew. 

The morning dawns and war is at hand. Commander Kholos orders his men to shoot the mercenaries, the Baron’s men, in the back as they enter the city, and plan on killing them all so there are no survivors in the conflict. The Baron decides to turn against the dragonarmy, and opens the city gates for his men. Once the dragonarmy advances, they open the gates and the Barons army routs the other. They kill Kholos and tend to the wounded. I have such a hard time with war scenes. I don’t know if its a renewed appreciation for human life after having served or PTSD, but I can’t help but read through watery eyes, every damn time. I am always stunned at those who call for war, and I wonder how many who do, have ever seen conflict. Or felt the aftereffects in their family, or see and feel for the innocents caught in the engagement. I know this is a fiction novel, but human suffering is real and it’s goin on right now, and I can’t help but recognise it.

This novel ends with Raistlin trying to suss out Kitiaras notes in her book, that he found when the Baron resealed the Knights Tomb, and after failing to do so, Raistlin sends a written record of his encounter with Immolatus and the book to Antimodes who then forwarded it to Par-Salian. The master of the tower recognised the dragon’s name and knew the import of the map. He knows that war is coming to Ansalon and is glad to have Raistlin out there. Now look, this is the end of the duology of the Raistlin Chronicles, and we’ve all read the Chronicles and Legends, so we know Raistlin Majere. He could be a power-hungry ass. But he WAS a hero who saved Ansalon. Twice. 

This novel impressed his study of herbalism, which I always loved, and his compassion for the wounded and dying. It added a much needed humanity to the character that seemed to be missing entirely in Legends. I really enjoyed this book. Not just for the content, but for the new characters like Scrounger, Baron Ivor, and Master Horkin. Though I am admittedly confused with Horkin as a renegade, but an approved one?

I highly recommend this book for any fan of Dragonlance and Raistlin. 


But that’s it for my review of Brothers in Arms by Margaret Weis & Don Perrin. Do you think it helps explain Raistlin Majere as a character? Are there any inconsistencies from the Meetings or Preludes novels? You can email me at or comment below. 

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This channel is all about celebrating the wonderful world of the Dragonlance Saga, and I hope you will join me in the celebration. Thank you for watching, this has been Adam with DragonLance Saga and until next time Slàinte mhath (slan-ge-var).

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