In order to understand the First and Second Dragon War, we must understand the creation of dragons and the All-Dragons War. Buy Wings of Fury:
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This ancient history was told originally by the ogre Oric Darakeen and the scion Bard Patersmith.
Welcome to another DragonLance Saga episode. My name is Adam and today I am going to talk about the All-Dragons War. I would like to take a moment and thank the DLSaga members, and invite you to consider becoming a member by visiting the link in the description below. You can even pick up Dragonlance gaming materials using my affiliate links. I am referencing Wings of Fury, The Dragonlance Campaign Setting and Dragons of Krynn sourcebooks for this information. If I leave anything out or misspeak, please leave a comment below!
There is little to no debate about the creation of dragons by the gods. It was in the Age of Starbirth after the creation of Krynn, that Paladine and Takhisis guided Reorx in the creation of five rulers of Krynn. These were drawn from the raw elements, encased in frames of metal. Takhisis desired to control everything and corrupted and tarnished the metallic dragons into chromatic shades. Mourning this corruption and the loss of his children, Paladine worked with Reorx to craft monuments to the lost dragons, which were forged from precious and beautiful metals. In his vast sorrow, Paladine breathed life into these monuments as replacements for those which he lost. These ten mortal dragons claimed the world of Krynn, and these first wyrms were truly mighty beings, equal in size to the Dragon Overlord Malystryx in the Age of Mortals.
Paladine’s dragons were believed to be his daughters, all female, and Takhisis’ dragons were rumored to be her sons, all male, save for one. The other mortals of Krynn worshipped these ten dragons and they were known as the lords of all the world. But the dragons ruled from separate regions of Ansalon. The high Kharolis Mountains in the west was where the fortress of the Metallic dragons was located. The Golden Aurora lived on the highest peak. The silver Tianaran dwelt within the ice caves of a mile deep glacier. The Bronze Haraineer chose a network of sea caves on the south western coast, while the copper Querrasian ranged far to the south. Lastly, the brass Sheeranar chose the hot climes of the North. The evil wyrms dwelt in eastern Ansalon in the Khalkhist mountain range. They were the red Furyion, the white Akis, the green Korril, the only female among them, the blue Arkan and the mighty black, Corrozus.
The first dragons were highly magical beings, being well versed in sorcery from the creation of Krynn. They controlled the elements of the world, shaping it much like the Dragon Overlords would do millennia later. This is rumored to be how the Khalkist volcanoes were drawn from the core of the planet in prehistory, and the vast caverns that would become Thorbardin came to be. In her infinite desire to see her sons rule alone over Krynn, Takhisis began to scheme. In the progenitor volcano to the Lords of Doom, atop its highest peak was Darklady mountain, and atop it was a gate to the Abyss. This allowed the chromatics to fly to their queen in the Abyss and hide their eggs, then return to Krynn. Knowing the Metallic dragon’s eggs were vulnerable, she sought to destroy them, commanding her chromatics to act. We should note that it was believed that Takhisis and Paladine respectively aided in the creation of these eggs, but the details elude all scholars.
With the mandate of their queen, the All-Dragons War had begun. The Chromatic dragons acted in unison to kill Sheeranar, the brass snake, ambushing her with a rainbow pattern which lured her into the red Furyion’s breath of fire. Next they discovered Haraineer, the bronze, lolling in the warm surf of the coasts. Four of the chromatics attacked from the sky, and when she retreated to her cave, the black Corrozus waited for her. She died at its entrance. Querrasian, the copper, perished after being goaded into a fight, and was subsequently led into an ambush by the white Akis and green Korril. Akis the white then led an attack on Tianaran the silver. The other four chromatics used magic to hide as parasites on Akis, and went into her lair, and ambushed her with all of their breath weapons to deadly effect. With only the golden Aurora remaining they were at a loss, as they couldn’t locate her lair, or the location of all the metallic dragon eggs. As this was the whole purpose of starting the All-Dragons War, they returned to Darklady Mountain, asking their queen for aid. The Dark Queen told them Aurora and her eggs were in the same Khalolis mountain range, and it is here that the second Law of Consequence was first revealed. Evil Feeds Upon Itself.
With the desire to impress their Queen and outshine their chromatic brothers and sister, they campaigned in competition rather than working together. Aurora had learned of the death of her sisters. And was alerted by a griffon that the evil dragons were en route. Armed with this foreknowledge the normally tranquil and meditative gold met the attacking dragons with a maze of spells and startling aggressive tactics. She quickly felled Akis, Korril, and Arkan. After a brief battle Corrozus was next to fall after grievously wounding Aurora with acid. Finally Furyion penetrated the grotto high in the Kharolis mountains. Battered and bleeding beyond recovery, Aurora sacrificed her life, dragging Furyion to his death beneath the chill waters of the subterranean sea. In this last and desperate act the Lords of Krynn were no more, and the All-Dragons war came to its final, brutal end.
Due to Takhisis’ treachery war broke out between all of the beasts of the world prompting Chaos to threaten to destroy all that the gods had created, a terrifying foreshadowing of what would begin the Age of Mortals some eight millennia later. To save their creations, the gods withdrew to the Beyond, where they had created the Dome of the Heavens, the Hidden Vale, and the Abyss. In this act the gods could live and love their creations without interfering with each other. The Chromatic dragon eggs were to be nurtured in the Abyss by Takhisis, the Queen of Darkness herself, and the Metallic dragon eggs lay abandoned and untended in the grotto of the Kharolis mountains. Krynn would rest in peace for a millennia in the absence of Good or Evil dragonkind. In their absence, spell magic was unknown to the world, The Irda ogres prospered, raising realms in the east and north. Elves dwelt as the creatures of the forest and humans roamed the plains in ragged bands, surviving as predators. Many of them were captured by the ogres and worked as slaves in their mighty empires.
The All-Dragons War would remain unknown to the mortals until the return of the dragons from their eggs. This would ultimately prompt the First Dragon War which would see magic being granted to mortals, and an incredible amount of devastation throughout Krynn. We will cover this war next week.
And that is all the time I have to talk about the All-Dragons War. What do you think of the All-Dragons War? Do you think dragons would have remained massive if their progenitors lived? And finally, what do you think of Takhisis’ eternal desire for control over Krynn? Leave a comment below.
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Don’t start trouble you can’t finish.
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