Hello, my name is Adam. I am the producer of the DragonLance Saga YouTube channel. DragonLance Saga is a celebration of this one of a kind, high fantasy, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting. After searching online for videos about Dragonlance, and finding a few one-off videos by random creators, I decided to put my talents to the test, and create a home for all things Dragonlance.
I started with the idea of highlighting specific aspects of Dragonlance with my Dragonlance Setting series. I quickly discovered that I was missing many of my game and lore sourcebooks after having given them away to a friend years ago. This prompted me to begin recollecting those lost products which gave birth to the Dragonlance Mail series. One of the aspects about this setting is the depth of lore, including music and poetry, so I began reciting the poetry in the Dragonlance Reading series.
I have since spiraled out to many more video series including Gaming Dragonlance, Dragonlance Interviews, Dragonlance Music, Dragonlance News, and more!
I would like to take a moment and remind you to subscribe to this YouTube channel, ring the bell to get notified about upcoming videos and click the like button. This all goes to help other Dragonlance fans learn about this channel and its content.
This channel is all about celebrating the wonderful world of the Dragonlance Saga, and I hope you will join me in the celebration. Thank you for visiting this website, I hope to see you in the comments. Until next time Slàinte mhath (slan-ge-var)!
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